
Developmental Psychological Analysis

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Developmental psychology is the scientific study of changes that occur in human beings over the course of their life. Initially focused on infants and children, the life stages of developmental psychology is ranged to include infancy, adolescence, adult development, and the entire lifespan. This field looks at change across a wide range of topics that includes motor skills and other psychological processes such as cognitive development involving areas like problem solving, moral understanding, conceptual understanding, language acquisition, social personality, emotional development, and self-concept and identity formation. In infancy, several things began to happen after birth. The respiratory system begins to operate, filling the lungs with …show more content…

An infant may reach these milestones earlier or later than average but still be considered to be developing normally. Raising the head and chest begin from 2 to 4 months, rolling over begins from 2 to 5 months, sitting up with support begins from 4 to 6 months, sitting without support begins at 6 to 7, crawling begins from 7 to 8 months, and walking begins from 8 to 18 months. Around the age of 5, researchers say that the brain is at 90 % of its adult weight which makes major advancements in the development of thinking, problem solving and memory, also referred to as cognitive development. Looking at gender-role development, most children begin to realize between sexes at about age 2. Knowing expectations of gender and development of gender identity takes much longer and is influenced by both biology and cultural …show more content…

Well known theorist, Elisabeth Kűbler-Ross theorized that people go through 5 stages of reaction when faced with death. In denial, being the first stage, people refuse their diagnosis of death. They look at it as unreal or maybe that there has been a mixup or a mistake made. Next, there is anger. The person may be angry at death itself, the doctors for giving them this prognosis and there family and friends because the person is dying and helpless while everyone else around him is living and healthy. Bargaining comes next where the person attempts to make deals with God or the doctors, in exchange for another chance at life. The fourth stage is depression, which usually comes from the person reflecting on their past and future losses, such as losing a job or missing the opportunity to walk a daughter down the aisle at her wedding. The final step is acceptance. The person now accepts the fact that they are going to die and makes peace with that and everyone around them. At this time the person may attempt to make peace or settle quarrels among family and friends and the person may attempt to get affairs in order regarding their will or

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