
Developmental Psychology Essay

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Development Psychology
Psychology is diverse, and there are many diverse specialty areas available to individuals seeking a career in the field of psychology. Most Psychologists choose to specialize in subfields that focus on specific subjects. Obtaining a profession in any of the specialty areas would require graduate study in that area of interest. Some professionals have a broad general knowledge, are skilled in several areas, and work with a range of clients. Some are specialist in treating a specific type of psychological disorder, or work with a specific age group. For those interested in specializing in a psychology career, developmental Psychology is one of the many fields available. Developmental Psychology is the ways that people change throughout their lifespan. Studies include the psychological affects, physical and social growth, intellectual, emotional and perceptual changes that occur. Developmental Psychology focus on a wide range of behavior changes beginning with prenatal development. Developmental Psychology also focuses on developmental disabilities and the effects it might have on people’s behavior. As with many fields related to psychology, a developmental psychologist must obtain a doctorate for most positions; some positions at the university level requires a PhD.
The work setting varies for developmental psychologist. Some might work in the field of higher education, during research and in teaching positions. There are many that are employed by

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