
Analysis Of Gun Rights Are About Keeping White Men On Top By Nathan Wuertenberg

Decent Essays

How can one write a compelling argument without ethos, pathos, and logos? That is right you can not! Nathan Wuertenberg, an author for The Washington Post, argues in the article “ Gun Rights are About Keeping White Men on Top” that gun laws had always been made to benefit white men instead of everyone. Wuertenberg uses multiple examples from the Civil Rights Movement, slavery, and school shootings to argue that in all those different situations gun laws have been put in place to benefit white men. Wuertenberg concludes that we can not blame anyone for what this country has turned to because we are the ones that are letting this happen. Even though some people believe that Wuertenberg did not have an effective rhetorical strategy, Wertenberg …show more content…

For instances, after the title of the article Wuertenberg puts that he is an author for the New York Times. This shows that Wuertenberg is a credible person because the New York Times is a company that is well known for their credible articles. Since Wuertenberg is an author for the New York Times, it builds his credibility making the audience see him as a trustworthy person. Also, Wuertenberg builds his credibility by using facts from different articles to further the knowledge of gun rights for his audience. For example, Wuertenberg uses facts from the Civil Rights Movement, the slavery period, and school shootings. In other words, he uses multiple real-life examples to back up his argument. Using a wide spread of real-life examples builds trustworthiness throughout his audience by showing that he can use multiple events to further his argument. Overall Wuertenberg uses ethos effectively to convey to his audience that he can be …show more content…

For instance, he tells us facts about historical events. Wuertenberg says, “The commander of the militia in Henrico County, Va., William Byrd, noted . . . he made a practice of awarding pistols to the men who won the competitions that took place on militia days.” This shows that for white men guns meant power. So the soldiers would have done anything to win the competitions so that they can get the pistol. He also says, “ When Black Panther members in California armed themselves in the 1960s to patrol communities abandoned by local law enforcement, the State Assembly passed legislation repealing an earlier law that allowed the open carry of firearms.” This shows that he is telling his audience that when the NRA (National Rifle Association), saw that black citizens were getting guns they changed the laws right away so that they would not be able to carry guns with them at any time. Wuertenberg well use of logos throughout his argument helps him build up his position, and the facts that he uses makes his argument more appealing to his

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