
Analysis Of Coming To Jones Road : Under A Blood Sky

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Coming to Jones Road: Under a Blood Sky #8 I think to better understand any painting or piece of work you have to get to know the author or artist. The artist for the painting Coming to Jones Road: Under a Blood Sky is Faith Ringgold. Ringgold grew up in a creative environment, one of the biggest contributors to her creativity was her mother because she was a fashion designer and she believed in the creative process. Ringgold was strongly encouraged as a child to use her creative side. Ringgold was able to express her creativity through her artwork.
Ringgold drew most of her inspiration for her artwork from the Civil Right Movement. Ringgold’s paintings are viewed as political because of the time period she grew up in, and she witnessed …show more content…

The painting has a plethora of things going for it, and there is a lot of symbolism in this piece of art. In the sky, it looks as if there is either a moon or a sun that it is setting. The sphere is about a quarter of an inch from the top of the painting which suggest that it is the setting sun. The reason that it seems that the sun is setting and not rising is because the sky is a light and dark red. An interesting thing about the red in the sky is that there are two different shades of red. On the outer layer, it is a lighter shade of red and on the inner layer it is a darker shade of red. It seems as if the two different shades of red are actually the same shade. On the inner layer Ringgold used the red in a different more solid way trying to put more emphasis on that layer. The sky is not the only thing that is red on this work of art. There are a few different items that are outlined in red; the two biggest things are the river and the trees. I think that these two things are outlined in red is because Ringgold is trying to tell us that the pain and oppression that has been caused by the white people runs all the way to the roots and that it’s time for it to end.
The six trees are very evident when you first look at the painting more often than not it will be the first thing that catches your eye. There are multiple rivers around the painting nevertheless they are all connected in some way. One of the other main focal points that grabs the eye is the white

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