An Introduction to Digital Marketing
Own Website - Responsive design
A responsive web design is a design approach that reinforces the creation of a site with optimal viewing and interaction experience. Site navigation should be easy and reading should be possible with minimal adjustments across a wide range of devises such as the smart phone. A website that is responsive is able to adapt to a viewing layout that incorporates features such as CSS3 media queries, flex images and fluid proportion based grids. The benefit of having a responsive website includes:
• Boost to your search engine optimization (SEO). This is an important marketing step because people prefer great looking sites.
• Responsive design allows you to bring into the fold, majority of users who access the internet via mobile devices.
• Makes it easy to convert browsers into buyers because a responsive web design takes away the element of frustration that is associated with zooming difficulties and how information is read on the website.
Email Marketing
This is a marketing strategy that is used to convey messages to targeted audience via email. The process involves sending advertisements, donations, solicitations and business requests via email. The main purpose of using email marketing is to build brand awareness or loyalty. You can use specialized email marketing software’s to understand and appreciate your audience or to plan your next move. The strategy can be executed directly or using a transactional
Israel and Judah survived the collapse of the united monarchy for 50 years after it fell. This was due mostly to the fact that there was no state that had achieved dominance around them (cite book pg. 158). After Omri was able to reform his alliance with Phoenicia Israel’s relations with Judah changed for the better. To symbolize the union between the two kingdoms, Ahab’s daughter was married to Jehoram of
Next, I will compare and contrast those characteristics to the mobile site, and finally, I will make suggestions on how to reconcile the differences between the two platforms. Noting that the website consists of dozens of links and there are word constraints of this essay, I will limit the scope of this analysis to the “Home” page. Despite these margins, this analysis is relevant in other areas of the site, as the template-styled design maintains great consistency throughout the
Responsive web design, website that fit on every screen size (tablets, smartphone, desktop and laptop)
A website is an essential tool for a business that is expecting to thrive. An efficient, attractive site is a pace-setter. We design first-rate responsive websites, detailing everything whether it is content, color, typography, IA (Information Architecture), UX/UE or e-commerce
Beautiful Design: Colors, fonts, and images combine to make the website a visually pleasing experience. It's the first step in engagement!
Another example of a responsive website is Alyson’s responsive mini-site for her eBook series. It is as follows:
Developing a separate mobile site can take a lot of resources, though responsive design technology is already gaining popularity.
Preconception care is the care a woman receives before she gets pregnant. Prenatal care is medical care you get when you’re pregnant, so you can recognize the different between the two. Both of them are important for the health of both the mother and the fetus. A preconception checkup helps your health care provider make sure that your body is ready for pregnancy. Prenatal care can help keep you and your baby healthy. It lets your health care provider spot health problems early. Early treatment can cure many problems and prevent others. Your doctor or midwife will give you a schedule for your prenatal visits. If you are over 35 years old or your pregnancy is high risk because of health problems like diabetes or high blood pressure, your doctor or midwife will probably want to see
As I mentioned previously in this document, prototypes are an important part of any web design plan. I also know that responsive design is important to any company’s website especially when it comes to the site being a successful and quality product.
In December of 1994, a young college student named Jake Baker posted one of his fiction pieces in an newsgroup. Usually, his contributions to this widely-read site consisted of short stories about rape, torture, and murder of women. In this particular newsgroup post, he continued with his usual contributions; however, he took it a bit further by writing about one of his fellow classmates, using her name and identity in the piece. Faculty members at the University of Michigan discovered his story and later expelled him from school. Federal agents then raided his house, arrested him, and discovered copies of e-mail Baker had exchanged with a Canadian, mapping out his and the Canadian's plan to
Everlast director of eCommerce Mike Ebert says that Magento also supports responsive design, which delivers the company’s web content properly on mobile and desktop screens.
Site responsive. Compatible with mobile device. (You can check it with a tool like
In a world where information is used and depended upon more than ever, people have begun to not only seek, but demand faster ways to access it. Potentially the most popular method of achieving this has become the internet. It is due to this fact that web designers and developers have undertaken vast amounts of research to not only speed up access to information on the web, but how to make it attract to more users. “How might they have accomplished their goal?” you may ask; to which the answer is: by appealing to the user via visual and mental attraction via design patterns and functionality intuitiveness. Color. It is what makes up the perception of our reality via light rays that we interpret through our eyes (Visible Light Waves, 2007), but why is it important? One could argue that the sole purpose of these waves is to give us vision, but color triggers so much more within our bodies. It can affect the physical processes within our bodies, our emotions, and can even communicate to us outside of the obvious visuals we perceive, based upon the culture that we reside within (Color Matters, 2012). But why is this important to web design and development? The answer is quite simple: color always affects us without us even noticing. Based upon the color scheme you use within your website, you can create a positive, or negative, reaction within your user, and this can either pull them in to your website, or make them run away from it as fast as possible (Chapman, 2010). To explore
The end of the year approaching fast and this year (2015) has been a one in which the main focus of the website designers has been on responsive design. This is quite understandable since there has been a steady increase in the number of mobile Internet users in the past 5 years. In fact the number of mobile Internet users have exceeded those from any other platform this year (2015). This is a very important statistic for every business and web development firm. Here are a few statistics that make it all very clear:
Your goal is to develop a mobile-friendly design that works seamlessly on all devices, from smartphones to desktops. Sizing your site to fit each device makes it convenient for