
An Experiment on the Friction Coefficient of Different Materials on an Inclined Steel Plane

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Discussion The aim of the investigation was to determine the friction coefficient of different materials on an inclined steel plane. The main causes for opposing force of friction are molecular adhesion and surface type and the objective was to discover difference sin surface type of each of these materials: whether any existed, and if so the value of difference of each. The experiment was divided into two studies. In the first study (Activity One), four different materials Aluminum, Brass, Nylon and Ferado were used in order to measure the coefficient of friction. The tables show the results of static friction and kinetic friction for Activity One. Static friction was where the tilt of the stainless steel plane slowly increased till the tray started to slide. The angle at which the tray started to accelerate was then recorded. This activity was repeated three times for each of the four specimens. The average of the three obtained values was calculated. Results showed that Aluminum had the same two values (14) on each of the first two runs but decreased to 12 on the 3rd run. The average was 12. Brass showed values 14 on first and third run and 15 on the second. Its average was 14. Nylon showed consecutively 11, 10, and 9 with average being 9. Nylon showed the most decrement decreasing with each run. Finally, Ferado also showed greater shift that aluminum and brass with values 13, 11, 12 and average resulting in 12. Kinetic friction was where the slope of the tray

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