
Brass Alloy Lab Report

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The main purpose in doing this experiment was to figure out how much of the percentage of Copper’s mass is in a brass alloy using a spectrophotometer that is hooked up to the laptop. Another purpose in doing this experiment is to learn how to use the Beer’s Law plots to learn how to use the equation and get the correct concentrations. This is important in everyday context because it is important for people who work doing many different types of jobs. Safety Information: In this lab, we used nitric acid to reactant with copper. While this is reacting, it creates a gas called nitrogen dioxide. This is a gas that should not be inhaled at all. It is a very toxic gas. While adding the nitric acid to the copper, it should be done in a fume hood …show more content…

The data does support this because when doing this experiment, the second part was done to figure out how much copper was in the sample of brass alloy that we got. We found out that our sample had for determination 1 1.75 g of Copper in the sample. In our second determination, we determined that the sample had 1.72 g of Copper in it. Beer’s Law Plot is a plot of Absorbance vs. Concentration which should be linear. We can also use it to determine an unknown samples concentration as long as we have the correct absorbance. A spectrophotometer helps to determine absorbances of the samples that you have. The average amount of copper in the brass sample we got was 57.7%. This value is on the higher side being over 50%. I believe that brass is mainly made of copper so the higher value is a good thing. Our curve that we got for our graph is very linear. We had a correlation of 0.997 which is very close to one. It is not perfect but it is very close. None of my points fall to far from the line either. The EPA is lowering the allowed levels of copper in waste water because too much copper in a person’s system can be dangerous and could be toxic if too much copper is consumed (Gleason,Troyer). On my Beer’s Law Plot, the smallest concentration that can be read is 0.016 mol/L with two significant figures. There should be at least 2 significant figures for the concentrations. Some precision may be lost when the Beer’s Law Plot is made because there is only one significant figure to base it off

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