
An Article On ' Young Nurse 's ' Dream Job ' Turned Into Nightmare '

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As educators, caretakers and lifelines, nurses take on several roles as they routinely care for patients day in and day out. Fidelman and Charlie published an article on‘‘Young nurse 's 'dream job ' turned into nightmare; She suffered burnout at 26 after staff cuts in hospital 's intensive care unit in Montreal Gazette on 25 Oct 2014. The article was about Ariane Bouchard, who worked for six years as a night nurse in the intensive care unit of a Montreal hospital who chosen nursing out of her passion and suffered a burnout after staff cuts due to the Montreal Health Departments rules faced new challenges night after night.The reluctant effects of staff burnout are many. ‘‘ Patients who are sent to the ICU might die without close monitoring and observation’’(Bouchard 1).Even though ,Bouchard is a dedicated nurse she have to take a leave of absence due to burnout at the age of 26. Nurses have to work continuously even without a break during night times. Another menace is the organization’s threat..The limitation of resources also is another burden for nurses.Due to the busy schedules disinfection and transport of laboratory samples got delayed.‘’Rooms weren 't fully cleaned, only areas that came in contact with the patient got wiped down’’( Bouchard ) . Tom Blackwell‘s article ‘‘No regulations for 'hidden army ' of health workers suffering burnout points out the pros and cons of health -care aids in Canada.Carole Estabrooks suggests that inservice

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