
Nurse Burnout Persuasive Essay

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Persuasive Essay Those of us who graduated from nursing school and started their first job were full of dreams, aspirations, and had every intention of making a difference. Now fast forward five years; these same nurses have been on their feet for 16 hours and have not had time to eat or use the bathroom since leaving their homes this morning. The call lights will not stop going off long enough for them to give report to the oncoming nurses and once again they are late for their children’s dance recitals or soccer games. They can forget about trying to squeeze a yoga class in this week. I understand what it is like to rush to your car feeling as if some important task was forgotten; was Mr. Smith’s tube feed restarted, did room 8 receive their pain medication? Nurses all over the world are experiencing “burnout”. To avoid burnout, nurses must properly care for themselves by separating work from personal life, knowing when to say no, and making time for enjoyable activities to manage stress, because we cannot provide quality patient care if we are neglecting ourselves. Nursing “burnout” is becoming a common issue in the nursing community. Psychologist Herbert J. Freudenberg “described …show more content…

Nurses must support each other and “start a movement” (Tucker, S. 2016) to eliminate nursing “burnout”. The quality of nurse’s lives will improve and accordingly, their ability to provide exceptional care will be the “icing on the cake”. Now picture this; it is 2:50 pm and 1st shift is coming to an end, patients were checked one last time and all of their needs have been met. It was busy shift, but there was time for a walk and some breathing exercises. A nurse is giving report to the next shift and she actually has time to get in a quick workout before dance recitals soccer games, and PTA meetings; but more importantly, she made a difference

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