
An Analysis Of Raymond Carver 's ' Cathedral

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A Cynics Enlightenment
Raymond Carver’s short-story Cathedral is outwardly about a pessimistic man, whose wife’s blind visitor named Robert changes the narrators predisposing perception of the world and awakes a new view on life in the process. But inwardly, the story is about the desperate need for connection between these three characters, which isn’t feasible do to the emotional-detachment by the narrator. In the beginning, the narrator is hindered by his prejudices which doesn 't allow him connect to anything greater than himself. But with the help of the blind man who is able to see the greater truth, since he’s incapable of having his perception distorted based on outer appearance; allows him to teach the narrator the difference between looking and seeing. Carver is proclaiming that when we open ourselves to new ways of connecting with others, and new ways of viewing at the world, we can have hugely rewarding experiences.
The Cathedral defines what it really means to be “blind”. First, being the blind man who literally cannot see because he is disabled. And then what it means to be emotionally blind like the narrator. The narrator possesses very shallow, ignorant, and careless qualities which then makes him form harsh prejudices upon people. And that 's the root to his blinders. And him having these prejudices denies him of connecting with anyone or anything, then distancing him from the world. He generalizes all of his opinions, making him believe if you 've seen

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