
American Culture Influence On Politics

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When America began the social culture was founded on morals based on the Christian religion. Women stayed home, men worked, and African Americans were enslaved. Therefore, when America’s constitution and political structure were designed it was based off that typical idea. Women did not have the right to vote, slaves were ⅗ of a person and white-men had all the power. Social cultures in a country are a direct reflection to what the government is designed like. Hence, why I have come to the conclusion that cultural explanations have more persuasive impact on politics than economic or institutional explanations. The concept of American freedom is a perfect example of how culture plays a significant role in politics. America was designed based …show more content…

Money plays a role in politics, there is no denying that or not acknowledging that. However, I believe that culture plays a far larger role. Politics are based on what the country is like and that all depends on the people and what we are like. So essentially, culture is almost everything. Take the United Kingdom for example, they would not have a queen if it was not part of their cultural. Yes, the royal family is technically a part of the government, however, they play the role as the “perfect citizens”. People who follow all laws and traditions that people can look up to and model after. They partake in the largest part of the United Kingdom culture. Taking gay marriage as another example, a thousand years ago that would be too far of an absurd idea to even make it in a political conversation. Though over these past few years it has been the topic of most political debates. Culture is changing, what once was is not anymore. God, the Christian culture might place a role in our country but the church is not as powerful as it used to be. The Christian morals and values that people used to stand on in America is not here anymore. With all the social trends it has had a reflection on what our government has become. Specifically in election years, if our social culture was going through a change then it would highly influence how the election would end

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