
Alexander Hamilton: The Man On The Ten Dollar Bill

Decent Essays

Alexander Hamilton: The Man on the Ten Dollar Bill
“My ambition is so prevalent that I contemn the groveling condition of a clerk,” written by Alexander Hamilton, age 12, on November 11, 1769.
Alexander Hamilton was born and raised in the West Indies, he began working as a merchant’s clerk at age 9 and became an orphan a year later. During his time as a child, he began to experience economics and a few years later, he inspired locals to send him to New York to get an education and make something of himself. He completed two years of school before joining the Revolutionary War. He was Washington’s aide and wrote to Congress about financial needs for the soldiers, which he experienced first hand. After the war, he came back to finish his degree and married Elizabeth Schuyler. This creates future mistrust in him as a politician because of his social position and elitist point of view. By the end of his life, he will have diminished the War debt, …show more content…

When brought to the attention, many people feared it would only help the rich and many believed it was unconstitutional saying the “Constitution does not explicitly give the federal government the power to create corporations.” In one night, Hamilton decided to write a 15,000 word essay defending his plan and wrote, “The principal and most enlightened commercial nations (had national banks). There exists not a question about their utility.” President Washington was persuaded by the essay and signed the bill, and the First Bank of the United States opened on December 12, 1791 in Philadelphia. A year later, Hamilton’s plan became such a big success that United States bonds were selling above European’s. Which in turn created stock markets in New York and Philadelphia in

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