
Air Pollution Essay

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Air Pollution: How it can affect children and adults
Naomi Harvey
South University

Abstract One of the main problems in the environment is air pollution. Texas has a project in plan to help the air from being polluted. Children and adults are being affected on a daily basis by the air being polluted. However, it is known that children are more affected by the polluted air than adults. Enforcement laws are made to each state dealing with the air pollution and consumers. Air pollution is a main problem that people are seeking to fix.
Texas Clean Air Project
The Clean Air Act is a law that is in place that has to deal with air pollution. “The Clean Air Act (CAA) is the comprehensive federal law that regulates air …show more content…

Air pollution can contribute to a number of different types of diseases. “Poor air quality puts the most vulnerable among us, like children and seniors, at risk for asthma, strokes, and other illnesses” (Texas Clean Air Project, 2017). It is not realized how much air pollution can affect a person. People that already have health issues are more at risk than a healthier person. “The strongest evidence so far relates to a possible contribution of air pollution to the etiology of Alzheimer’s disease” (Costa, 2017). Alzheimer’s disease affects a person’s brain as they lose their memory. This diseases is one that takes a person’s life away as they cannot remember sometimes even who they are.
Air pollution can affect children more than adults. Landrigan & Goldman (2011, p.843-844) reported four differences between children and adults in environmental hazards. “First, children have greater exposures to toxic chemicals for their body weight than adults” (Landrigan & Goldman, 2011, p.843). The less a person weighs seems to cause them to get affected by air pollution more than a person who weighs more. “Second, children’s metabolic pathways are immature, and a child’s ability to metabolize toxic chemicals is different from an adult’s” (Landrigan & Goldman, 2011, p.843). Children’s immune system is

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