
Against Gun Control Essay

Decent Essays

“You won’t get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There is only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up and if you actually don’t throw the key, at least lose it for a long time....It’s a nasty truth ,but those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed with gun controllers.”- Ronald Reagen. Limiting gun ownership to mentally stable, law abiding citizens will do nothing positive for this country. Mr.Reagen couldn’t have said it any better in that quote.

I have researched this subject of limiting gun control for a couple of days now from both points of view. I can understand why people would want gun control. I could see that less guns in the country would prevent less shootings and terrorist it or not the guns will still be out there legally or illegally. If you took every legal gun there would only be illegal guns in the hands of the criminals. Neither sides of this controversy are thinking illogically, we both want this country to be safe.

If full gun control was passed and that all legal guns have been repealed by the government. Law-abiding citizens are now more vulnerable than a pig swimming in a shark tank. But, you know who will still have the guns are the criminals and thugs.They may not have them legally but they will still …show more content…

You may not know if a shooting, robbery, or worse were to happen to you or your loved ones. Police won’t be able to respond immediately, so in that mean time you are in danger and unable to protect yourself or others. Criminals, thugs, and terrorists only bring chaos to this country, and they are armed with military grade weaponry. If they are armed with these weapons, why would you limit weaponry to the citizens at the end of the barrell. If you are going to take someone’s guns take theirs. We are all just trying to defend ourselves and this great country from monsters like

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