The noun “adversity” is a word that is all too common to me.I was not able to experience the joys of being a carefree child whose only concern was playing on the playground during school, I became fearful of rejection to a degree similar to that of inadequacy.I couldn't find my voice, no matter how hard I tried. In my earlier years I coped with my feelings of self worth in a negative manner. I internalized all of my emotions: anger, sadness, and fear. Instead of expressing my true emotions. In truth I created a facade to those around me. Despite the environment I was in, I remained peaceful and contempt as a result of the emotional and verbal abuse that I endured as a child. In the midst of trying to combat what I felt, I would lash out on
Overall, having to play Outlast, the first person survival horror game is not like your usual Mario game. You become alert, your eyes will want to find patterns. Your ear hears begin to familiarize with noises and try to figure out where you have heard this music before. The enjoyment of having a different game, having dim or dark colors. Having to run like Bult, you will think that you are ready for the next Olympics, and still having to find a good hiding spot from the evil within.
Adversity. A condition marked by misfortune, calamity, or distress. Adversity in most conditions is considered to be something should never happen. Adversity is the struggles of the poor and the homeless. Adversity is a hurricane and a tsunami destroying lives and homes. Adversity is, however, a rewarding experience. Not fun, not good, but rewarding. In the face of adversity, people tend to develop their character by uncovering new talents, making themselves stronger, and by becoming more understanding and compassionate.
Adversity is any type of trial in one’s life. It is sickness, injury, family problems,
A time that a strongly held belief of mine was challenged, was when I stumbled upon an article that spoke of a fusion of religion and science. Growing up in a heavy Christian household and going to a very large church in Michigan, my life was filled with everything Christian, including the idea that evolution was not real. While in kindergarten and middle school I had been told to listen to teachers explain scientific ideas such as evolution, and natural selection, but to not believe them to be true, because God made everything and as such there would be no need for evolution or natural selection to fix things. For many years I followed this belief learning, but not truly understanding material, as I was raised to just take in the knowledge
Looking back at my first post about how I learned to read reminded me how much of an impact my family had on me. My mom worked endlessly with me to make learning fun. I remember she would think of different games to help expose me to words. As we would drive through town she would point out different stores and say the names. Soon this became a game where when we passed a store I would try to say the name of the store before someone else in the car did based on recognition. By playing these games I was relying on the parallel distributed processing model. When I would see a word I would pull the meaning from memory so I could correctly produce the intended word. Not only was I using my memory, I was also depending on social learning and engagement.
I am not going to lie, it took me a quick minute to figure out how to actually access the Atomic Learning tutorials that were meant for us to watch. I was too stuck exploring the main webpage to see what was right in front of my face. However, once I did find were the links were located, I did really enjoy the content of each tutorial. My laptop currently is running Windows 7 and as we all know that was the first section of tutorials. There are many interesting features hidden within the Windows 7 platform that I myself was not aware of. Just to touch on a few of my personal favorites, one of which being the "Aero Snap" feature which allows you to easily resize and reposition the size of the screen you are using. This allows you to view each
"How did I get here?" I thought, as the cold, hard steel of the policeman's handcuffs latched on the sensitive skin of both my wrists. Despite the staggering amount of drugs that were raging through what remained of my emaciated body, my mind somehow began to salvage some form of what could be considered clarity. As I slowly began to comprehend what was happening, the policeman started to guide me down the stairs of my home with caution. And that was when I cast my unsteady gaze over my shoulder, only to behold the absolute indignation, repulsion, and total disappointment that dominated my mother's face. Yes, I knew how I had inevitably arrived at this moment in my life. I was being arrested because I was a thieving heroin addict, I was
Since 1936, when Konrad Zuse invented the first freely programmable computer, technology has skyrocketed and allowed us to accomplish feats those raised in the 1800’s and early 1900’s never dreamed of as possible. Technology has sent men and women to space, cured diseases, won wars, and launched satellites soaring past Saturn. Because of this soar in technology, this year we will be able to see the first close-up pictures of Pluto and the Kepler Belt, an area once thought not to exist. Computers, which once took up an entire room, have disintegrated and been replaced by our phones and tablets and laptops, which weigh no more than a few pounds or ounces. We have watches which allow us to take pictures, watch a show, play music, and more. Because
Like me, she also liked horses. Mrs. Prentice’s warm, motherly smile widened as she noticed me smiling.
With barely any strength and dizzying vertigo (I was told was a permanent symptom and disorder) I made a choice to venture to my school and lived up to my lack of mindfulness by spilling out all my efforts into my school work as I could get out in my disorderly brain, determined to denounce the growing stupor around me. I had in mind Jim’s words as I pushed myself to function normally, “Crawling out of these crevasses, overcoming life’s challenges, is something each of us must face. Finding resilience for surviving and thriving through adversity is part of everyone’s climb.”(The Ledge, page 249) But, as my wiped out body couldn’t face my skewed environment much longer, I headed to the nurse's office to be criticized about my “panic
Living in Wyoming people have the option to experience the outdoors. This being camping, hunting or just exploring. We live in a relatively remote area, not many people and even less cities. The landscape and surrounding wildlife draws many tourists during the spring. some come just to go to the national parks others come to explore the vast reaches of this state.
Back in 7th grade I wasn’t a very smart kid. I hung out with kids that I probably shouldn’t have hung out with and I regret it to this day but will always be with me. I was a good friend with this kid and we were both out for track because it was track season. We were just getting done with practice and he wanted me to stay the night so I called me mom and she said sure. So I rode the bus home with him and when we got to West Union we got off the bus and went to his house. He said lets got to this other kids house so we walked to this kids house that was all the way on the other side of town. When we got there we were both wearing shorts and sweatshirt and we both were running through the snow so our socks were wet. When we went
I feel like people can go their entire lives feeling like they don’t have a talent. Personally, I felt like this for most of my childhood. I was not some great musician, dancer, or artist, there was no part of me that felt like a gifted writer or some brilliant mathematician. Still there was always one thing that I could do, and that’s think in new and innovative ways. One may ask how an ability everyone has can be a talent. From every technological innovation and mathematical challenge to every social theory and brilliant novel, there’s a monstrous amount of thought that goes in. But this isn’t your average, everyday thinking, it’s associative, “man-behind-the-curtain”, mad scientist, type thinking. This “through-the-looking-glass” way of thinking is my greatest talent and has helped me in
Confusion, frustration, and a flood of anger filled my heart as I try to make the right decision. “You are a scared little girl who can’t fight her own battles.” What should I do walk way away or hit her. I don’t want to make the mistake I made last time. The pain, punishment, and the tears that was lost. Don’t let your anger get the best of you and end up in another fight you don’t need to be in. I can remember that day so clearly, as if it were yesterday. It was warm sunny day, the birds were singing and all was right with the world. While sitting enjoining chatting with my friends on the bus, a boor interrupts our conversation. In just five seconds, I went from delightful to frightful. The female I had been fighting with decide to pick a
As professor Sanchez announced the upcoming of our informative speeches I had no clue what I was going to do mine on. Of course I decided to procrastinate on finding a topic and put it to the last minute. The idea of “charreria” Mexico’s national sport came to mind due to the fact that my professor always mentioned a dancing horse when he would call my name for attendance. From there on I decided when the days of doing our speech comes I will give myself a week to practice in order for me to not mess up and break the average grading scale dilemma. Not only that but since we were going to have to record ourselves I wanted it to be good so I will not cringe or have any negative thoughts while watching my own speech.