
Personal Narrative: Getting Tough

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Getting Caught Back in 7th grade I wasn’t a very smart kid. I hung out with kids that I probably shouldn’t have hung out with and I regret it to this day but will always be with me. I was a good friend with this kid and we were both out for track because it was track season. We were just getting done with practice and he wanted me to stay the night so I called me mom and she said sure. So I rode the bus home with him and when we got to West Union we got off the bus and went to his house. He said lets got to this other kids house so we walked to this kids house that was all the way on the other side of town. When we got there we were both wearing shorts and sweatshirt and we both were running through the snow so our socks were wet. When we went …show more content…

We walked to the middle of the store and I saw an isle that had a bunch of different kind of socks. I went into the isle and told my friends to watch the ends of the isle and I stuffed a pair of socks in my sweatshirt. We left the isle and I told them I would be right back. I went to one of the people that was working and asked where the bathroom was and she looked down at my sweatshirt and then sure follow me. While we were walking to the bathroom I could sense something that I should just put the socks back by the package but I kept the socks and went into the bathroom. I stood there thinking what I should do. I was thinking should I walk out with the socks in my hand and give them to the lady and tell her I found these in there or flush them down the toilet but I thought they might get stuck so I just put them on my feet. I took off the wet ones put them in my shirt under my armpits. I was nervous, scared that once I come out there was going to be police but there wasn’t. I came out and was walking over to my friends and told them lets go when the lady that showed me where the bathroom was at, came over in the next aisle and asked me to come here. My mind just went from being nervous to being scared out of my pants and getting into a bunch of trouble. I went over to her and she asked me where the socks were. I asked her what are you talking about. She asked me again “where are the socks.” I said what socks. …show more content…

I said no and she said she would see me later tonight if my parents allow me to go to there house still. They left and the police officer showed up and asked the lady questions then came over to me and asked me what made me think this was a good idea and what made me do this. I didn’t have response to any of it because I didn’t think when I did it. I just thought my feet are cold and I’m tired of walking in wet soaking socks. He asked me for my parents phone numbers and I told them. He called my mom first. She didn’t answer then he asked if my dad would answer and I said he should because he just got off work. He called him and he picked up right away. The officer and him talked for a while and then the phone was handed to the lady that caught me and they talked for a while. When she got off the phone she handed it back to the officer and then hung it up. The lady went back to work and the officer stood there with me until my dad showed up but he said it would be awhile and because my dad was in waterloo. While the officer and I stood there I was thinking of trying to start a conversation with him because it was quiet and I was nervous and scared. I brought up the D.A.R.E. program and asked if he ever went to the west union elementary and showed us the stuff and he said yeah I’ve been up there teaching this program for 15 years. After he said that we were quiet for the rest of the

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