
Adversity In A Christmas Carol By Charles Dickens

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Adversity. A condition marked by misfortune, calamity, or distress. Adversity in most conditions is considered to be something should never happen. Adversity is the struggles of the poor and the homeless. Adversity is a hurricane and a tsunami destroying lives and homes. Adversity is, however, a rewarding experience. Not fun, not good, but rewarding. In the face of adversity, people tend to develop their character by uncovering new talents, making themselves stronger, and by becoming more understanding and compassionate. Adversity develops character by helping develop skills that may not have been necessary if they had not gone through hardships. In the late 19th century during the industrial revolution, the introduction of so many new jobs and an increased demand for manufactured products as well as the allure of the city, led many families and people to move to the large overcrowded cities. When they moved to these cities, it often was a time of trial and adversity due to the small housing or tenements, low income jobs and long hours. Women out on farms, where many of …show more content…

In Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol the main character, a grumpy old man by the name of Ebenezer Scrooge doesn't care about the people who work for him as long as he is rich. On Christmas Eve, he is visited by three ghosts which was a hardship for him at the time. Through this adversity, he learns the truth about himself that he is a selfish and mean man to others. Afterwards he was more understanding of the poor and is more willing to help them because these three ghosts showed him what his life would be like if he didn’t. This directly relates to adversity in a person's life. When people go through trials and adversity, they inadvertently become more compassionate to those going through worse things or the same thing as

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