The officer’s partner, the one who radioed in dispatch, replied: “Probably, but seeing as though those lights just vanished out of thin air, neither of us can be certain.” Looking around the area where the Adelburgers once were, he shined his own flashlight across the site, only to find a female stray cat liking her fur, before spitting out a small hairball, which landed on the wet, solid ground. With nothing in the premises suggesting that any of the Union members inside were attempting to get away, he holstered his handgun and picked up his radio. “Cancel that last request, dispatch. It was just a stray cat.” He then heard a response from dispatch on the other end. “Roger, 10-4.” “Guess it’s the end of that,” muttered the first NYPD officer. His partner remarked, “In a nutshell.” *** (Ninety minutes later) By midnight, the 5th of December, the …show more content…
This surprised Walther, since Napola schools were single gender institutions (oftentimes all-boys), and the sight of a coed student body only served to confuse him. Soon after walking through the heavy, wooden double doors, he was then introduced to Horst the Worst, his brothers, as well as two of their superiors. The first one was already known by everyone in the room as being a major player in the Wunderwaffen program of Hitler’s Germany. The other one, however, was an Austrian Benedictine nun by the name of Mother Maria Pfenning, OSB, who was the superior of a convent at the nearest Czechoslovakian town, which was full of Germans. Together, inside the lavish and antique office of Horst the Worst, the two briefed Schäffer on the nature of his duty station and what went on
The fate of the cat’s life is still unknown. At this point, the author points out that “[t]he kitchen light came on,
Pursuant to California Vehicle Code (40902), I plead not guilty by Trial by Written Declaration of the charges of CVC 22349 (b). I have paid the fine of $352 and have attached the receipt to the case as instructed.
On Friday, December 16, 2016, at 5:40 PM, Officers Patrick Daugherty and Frank Miller were working a uniformed assignment in cruiser 9022, and were dispatched to 1464 E. 26th Ave., on a report of a 10-34, involving an individual who was possibly deceased in the backyard of the residence. While driving to the location, Officers Daugherty and Miller received information from radio, indicating the caller’s husband was cold to the touch, not breathing, and had possibly been attacked by their dog.
Reflecting on this course over this semester, there have been many lessons learned that will be valuable, as we enter the business world. Our first lesson was to learn to work together, as a team, to prepare a short memo, long memo, letter, and email for use in the business world. This is a lesson that will experience many times as we do our daily work. Punctuation and grammar are so important to present to the client and other organizations that we are professionals. It could mean the loss of a sale or acquiring new business. It’s like dressing for work; looking professional or unprofessional.
I parked my patrol car on the side of Roberts Road and exited the vehicle, and called out to Mr. Burnette “TB, come her for a minute”. After I advised Mr. Burnette to come over to where I was, Mr. Burnette turned and took off running towards the back side of the Hostess House. I gave chase, advising dispatch that Mr. Burnette was running. As I came to the rear of the
In the reading, “Writing About Yourself: The Memoir” by William Zinsser, the author uses organization, examples, and direct advice to develop the purpose and message of the selection. The message of this piece is that writing about oneself and delving into what has made the author who they are gives the writing individuality and distinction. Like the message, the purpose is to encourage writers to write about themselves and what has shaped them without hesitation. To begin with, the author uses a pattern of organization where he introduces an excerpt of a memoir by stating a quality that makes this memoir exemplary. After the excerpt, he will further comment on what makes this memoir memorable for him. For example, the author states, “One secret of the art [the memoir] is detail… a sound or smell—as long as it played a
I have also operated as part of a team, for example AUQA audits, scholarship allocations, and large IT projects. Having spent most of my career working in schools and faculties I am well versed in dealing with students, general and academic staff and central units. These include timetabling, graduation, prizes and scholarships, and student and academic administration. I have also provided support to academic staff as required, for example in invigilating assessment items (including online assessment), developing course and subject proposals, reviewing Turn It In reports for potential plagiarism, and enabling advanced Blackboard
“That’s what I’m listening to, Werner. Our planes are bombing Paris.” An orphan named Werner watches as his younger sister listens to the Deutschlandsender. Werner Pfennig and his younger sister Jutta live in the coal mining town of Zollverein, with Frau Elena and other orphans at the Children’s Home. He finds a broken shortwave radio behind the Children’s Home and repairs it, realizing his interest and knack in technology, he begins to read and study mathematics and science. He is picked up by Lance Corporal Rudolf Siedler, where he is recommended to apply for National Political Institutes of Education, one of the finest schools in Nazi Germany. He is accepted and prepares to leave the Children’s Home for his new school, much to Jutta’s dismay.
One day I was ask to transfer Mrs X from bed into wheelchair. Mrs X is paralised so to transfer her a full body hoist is needed. I had to call for help, it wouldn’t be safe to do this by myself. So while I was waiting for the other carer to arrive I have explained to Mrs X what and how we are going to do it. I have also cheked the hoist and battery if its fully charged and operational. I put right size sling on Mrs X with her cooperation. I carefully manovered hoist close to bed, then I hooked sling onto the hoist with short hooks on to of the body and long hooks on bottom. That was when my collegue arrived to help me with transfer.We asked Mrs X if she is ready when she said yes by pushing
At first I was not sure what I should put, but then when I starting thinking about it, it came pretty easily. However I did have a difficult time thinking about what I can’t change because I try not to focus on that.
My desire was to challenge myself and pursue my belief in life-long learning. And yes, the last eight weeks have definitely been a challenge intellectually in IDS 101. After the first two weeks of school, I seriously questioned why I would go back to school at fifty-one years of age for personal satisfaction. The days were long and I wasn’t sure I still had the self-discipline and determination that would be needed to finish. Over the last eight weeks, this class gave me numerous opportunities to hone my skills in critical thinking, research, and writing. This class has given me the necessary skills to continue toward completing my degree.
“Jawohl, Herr Obersturmbannführer,” answered Walther. He showed Horst the Worst and Mother Maria Pfenning a copy of the papers, which, not only did it came with the letter and a vaguely brief description of his duty station, but it also included a map detailing the location of his personal living quarters. “That makes sense. Permission to go to my living quarters, Herr Obersturmbannführer?”
Robert Ader was born in the Bronx on 20 February 1932, the elder of Nathan and Mae Ader’s two sons. He attended the Horace Mann School in the Bronx, and in 1949 entered Tulane University, from which he graduated in 1953 with a B.S. in psychology. Immediately entering the graduate program at Cornell University, Ader earned a Ph.D. in psychology in 1957. That same year he was hired as a part-time instructor in the Dept. of Psychology at the University of Rochester, and part-time instructor in the Dept. of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry. Both John Romano, M.D., the chairman of Psychiatry, and George L. Engel, M.D., an internist focused on psychosomatic medicine, were interested in adding to the faculty an experimental psychologist who could conduct psychobiological
A CAT team member explained advised us to go to emergency. While we were doing our queue waiting in the emergency department to provide Mark details at reception, Mark asked the writer if she can support him to lodge an I.O and also if he will need to go to court. The answer for both question were yes, Mark appeared to be silence and then said that he wanted to leave the hospital (no other explanation was given). Mark walked in front of the writer quiet fast. From the distant the writer would observed that Mark was kicking empty bottles, leave behind the writer’s car and kept walking. The writer then could not see him.
Callous asshole, I thought. He’d only been with the NYPD for seven years, but everyone in the station knew he had the attitude of a 20 year veteran. I knew from our captain that something happened early in his career to make him so jaded, but Ryan would never talk to me about it. He still called me ‘cowboy’ when he felt like annoying me. I’d never be a real cop in his eyes.