
Ad Analysis Essay Examples

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Think is makes you pretty? One question was in my head when analyzing this ad: why is it a girl who is portrayed and not a boy saying ' Think it makes you handsome?' In this Lipstick print ad, the main goal is to get people to stop smoking cigarettes and promote the dangerous effect smoking has on people. The ad shows a young, pretty girl using a cigarette as lipstick. This visual, along with the written words, persuades the targeted audience very convincingly. Especially, the image; representing the younger generation and how such a pretty woman can change her whole appearance with one cigarette. On the other hand, the text of the ad says “ Think it makes you pretty?” in a neon pink bubble. This phrase can be interpreated differently depending on the persons values …show more content…

The ad was published in September 2008 in Russia by the agency BBDO Moscow, with the brand name CSI. BBDO is a worldwide advertising company that advertise's, not only anti-tobacco, but many other products such as Band-Aid brand and Snickers; mainly sticking with current events. This is where the credibilty lies, BBDO seems to advertise a lot of products, but not about many issues/causes such as anti-tobacco. However, this group has earned many recognitions such as, “Most effectice network in the world” and many “Network of the year” 's. As well as “Most awarded agency network in the world”, therefore this leads me to believe their ethos is pretty good. But, i am not sure how committed the agency is to anti-tobacco campaigns since they also have other products being advertised and do not take donations nor really contribute to the community ( other than creating and publishing the ads). I do believe the ads are making an impact in many countries; such as Algeria and Pakistan and many other regions of the world. Otherwise the agency wouldn't have recieved that many awards/recognitions, especially the ones with “world”

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