
A Hero's Journey Into Reality

Decent Essays

Once upon a time there lived a girl of merely fifteen. She was a dreamer, a believer, and a wanderer. She dreamt that people would not have to live with hardships, she believed that there is always a silver lining; she wandered for the purpose of finding a new reality. She may see herself as a princess, but her life is far from being a fairy tale. She still has to discover herself, and every single moment she encounters throughout her lifetime will guide her to who she wants to be.
The first hardship the princess experienced was the separation of her parents. Stages of confusion and sadness filled her mind until the final stage was reached: Denial. She was torn between believing that her new life could not be her reality and coming to the conclusion that maybe this was the end. Stories of other families torn apart were just stories to her until fiction became nonfiction. Once make-believe became reality, she could not accept the change. The nightmare of her life was still there when she woke up, and she was soon confronted with the fact that nothing would ever be the same again. Eventually, she …show more content…

The princess had to prepare to be uprooted from her home to travel to the unknown. She had to leave everything she had ever known to move to a town where she did not know anything. All was foreign to her. School was more difficult, children behaved differently, and her home did not feel like home. She felt alone. As a result of this, she withdrew herself and lived inside of her own head. The princess was unhappy and lonely. Until one day, she made a friend. A simple “Hello” was able to change her entire mindset. This princess discovered the silver lining. She adjusted to her new school, she met amazing people, and she learned to call a foreign land “home.” She continued to grow and find opportunities until she became the best. Once she was the best, she was determined to become the finest, but she still had some discovering to

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