Could you ever imagine sending your child on a field trip knowing that end purpose was for them to die? GOD sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to earth ultimately for this trip. Desire coming from the flesh of a woman, Jesus Christ is GOD's son. Jesus walked the earth to teach us about his father and how he wished for us to live, so that our souls would be clean in order to reach the pearly gates of heaven.
You may be wondering why he was sent on this "trip". The trip was known as his mission. But he had a lot more to do besides parish on a cross for our sins. Yes! That is correct Jesus perished for us, you and me. He was sent to teach us the love if his father He came to redeem all of humanity fr the evils of the world, that darkened our souls.
Everyone has their own adventure(s) in life and so everyone obviously has their own definition of what a Hero's Journey is. All journeys, however, include a majority of the same stages; from slaying dragons, both literally and figuratively, following one's bliss and going into the belly of the beast. Before we go any further, let me explain what the Hero's Journey even is. The Hero's Journey is a series of events that Joseph Campbell studied and first identified as a journey that all people go though. The pattern of the events appears in not only works from all ends of the literary spectrum including drama and myths, but is also linked to psychological development and self-growth. This journey applies to fictional characters, of course,
Jesus Christ was born destined to save the world. Would you be willing to sacrifice your life for the sins of the world? Jesus Christ a baby born of a virgin birth walked the earth for thirty-three and a half years as an ordinary man. Jesus, who was a man without sins, preached the gospel and performed miracles; was beaten, tortured, and crucified on a cross to pay for mankind's sins. Jesus was transformed from a heavenly figure to an ordinary man, to the savior of all mankind.
Good morning brother and sister, I pray all is well with each of you as we continue this series on the children of Israel... we hope if the spirit allows us to end this series this week... When God give you instruction to do something, don’t be greedy, don’t ask tons of questions, and most of all don’t be too lazy and don’t do it...
A reason for going there (usually a item or some sort) this gives the hero a purpose for his quest.
Journey is the pathway to growing up. It is the feeling when you look up in the car after being on the road for a few hours and discover you are back home, the place you’ve been longing to get back to all week. It’s the realization that this time next year you will be halfway done with highschool. It’s all of those feelings wrapped up in one.
There I was sitting at the table eating what the nuns like to call food what just looked like to me slop I was sitting with my friend Felix. He came across a carrot and it was a full-size carrot he just sat there and stared at it not even touching it if he did not hurry up and I was going to grab it and eat it.
Red. The color had become sickening after all this time. Neko no longer remembered how long it had been since that accursed day, but he had grown too tired to care. Any grasp of time was lost on this desolate land. It must have been months, he thought, as his hair was long enough to touch his shoulders and food supplies were becoming scarce. He remembered vividly when everything had gone wrong and he couldn’t stop reliving the moment over and over again.
Shortly after the discovery that my beloved wife had gone missing, I began to retrace my steps in search of her. I believe I must have lost her in the process of cycling up the hill; however, I cannot seem to make out which path I had come from.
It was late afternoon when we made camp, I found a rock big enough to put the map on and I sat on the ground with the map on the rock. I was trying to see where we were and how close we are to our destination.
It took me 11 years to understand that I’m a creative creature in this world. My social media has always been blown up with pictures I took, but my very first camera was a video camera. I discovered passion to videos earlier that I did to photography. At the same time, the notebook and a pen has never left my purse. Everything whats been following me through out my journey of life always went straight to a piece of paper. Like a diary. Instead there were short stories and proses. At the conclusion, I decided to major in Journalism. #Journalism #Reporting #Blogger #LifeLover #Adventure #Traveler #Instagrammer
Jesus was sent here to teach of the word of God, and give us eternal salvation. Both the teaching of the word of God and giving us eternal salvation were the legacy of Jesus. Many debate when the actual birth of Jesus was, but it is mostly believed that Jesus was born on December 25th, which is also why we celebrate Christmas. Jesus was crucified on a Friday, which is known as Good Friday, and he was resurrected on a Sunday. The Sunday is Easter Sunday, which almost all Christians celebrate. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but he was born and raised in the city of Nazareth. Mary and Joseph were the parents that raised Jesus, but he is the son of God. Major events in Jesus life included his teachings, crucifixion, and resurrection. While Mary and Joseph were the parents of Jesus, he was also associated with other character in the bible. One person that was close to Jesus was Mary Magdalen. Jesus also has his twelve disciples which were Thomas, Philip, Simon, Peter, Jude, Juda, Bartholomew, Andrew, James the Elder, James the Lesser, Matthew, and John. In the end Judas betrays
Jesus of nazareth is the saviour of the world, the prophecy, the messiah. Jesus was put on earth to fulfill god's will. To portray God in human form and to spread the “word" which is God and jesus is the living embodiment of the word.“What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”
Jesus Christ came to reclaim humankind from things that have molded the spirit of being a person whose things were not right. Jesus came to convey truth in a universe of false convictions. Our most noteworthy need
God had sent Jesus to live in this world to complete the mission of suffering for the good of all man’s sins. In other words, his ultimate sacrifice for the people was indeed the event that many Catholic Christian individuals quickly think about when they hear about Jesus. If it weren’t for his sacrifice, many individuals wouldn’t have had a special bond with God. Sin is what separates us from God the Father and now that Jesus saved the world from salvation, they can have a special and unique bond with the Father. Jesus gave his followers a key into the Kingdom of God by putting his life before theirs. Jesus’ sacrifice showed his immense love for his followers. For example, the film, “Of Gods And
In order to pay the full price of sin, he took on the sins of the world, becoming a curse for our sake, and suffered greatly before and during the crucifixion. Jesus suffered the