
A Country Isn 't Born From One Of The Most Beautiful Countries

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A country isn’t born from one day to another, and they all have a history. It’s certain that they have come a long way, but because of the sacrifices they’ve had to make along the road. Mexico, being one of the most beautiful countries, has a reputation for its beaches, food, and tourist attractions, but all that glitters is not gold. Mexico attracts tourist from all over the world and its culture has spread to all parts of the world, but it’s not so pretty side, crime, has also had an impact on the world. Its crime levels have risen and drug trafficking has also been a huge problem, especially in the United States. With that being said, Mexico has a beautiful culture and some of the friendliest most humble individuals. It’s probably one of the facets that has remained constant over the years. Mexico’s history has not only affected them, but also the world around them.
Mexico consists of 31 states, with its capital being Mexico City. Its story and past cultures can be seen throughout the country and its artifacts. Many of the rural areas are still inhabited by indigenous people. Lots of these indigenous people would be able to tell you the difference between their ancestors’ lives and their own life. These changes would include crime, government, and other social issues. Mexico started off with civilizations. The first known civilization was The Olmecs. They settled near Veracruz, but had two key population groups. One was San Lorenzo which lasted from 1200 to 900 B.C. and

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