
12 Angry Men Important Quotes

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In Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose, three quotes stand out as the most important of the novel, which explained what the Jurors' opinions were on the boy. A quote that I found that supports that is, “He’s a common ignorant slob. He doesn’t even speak good English.”(Rose 37) This shows us that he was trying to prove to the other jurors that he wasn’t bright and that the kid was guilty and there wasn’t more to it. The second quote that stood out to me was when Juror 10 was complaining about what the other Jurors' opinions were about the kid, whether he was guilty or not. “”I’m telling you, some of you people here are out of your minds. A kid like that.” (Rose 51) This moment is important because for Juror 10 it is very opinion based and he doesn’t

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