
What Is The Theme Of Graduation By Maya Angelou

Decent Essays

The thoughts and/or opinions of others often have to be overlooked or else they’ll ruin every happy moment that is to come. In Maya Angelou's story, Graduation, she discusses her eighth-grade graduation. Maya describes how she feels after listening to someone else opinion on her and the rest of African Americans of her graduating class at that time. This person's opinion had a huge impact on Maya herself, and the crowd. No one ever wants to feel wretched on the most memorable day of their life but this is exactly what took place on the day of Maya’s graduation. It was a warm Friday and everyone was thrilled about the graduation, “The children in Stamps trembled visibly with anticipation. Some adults were excited too, but to be certain the whole young population had come down with graduation epidemic.” Maya was so excited that Friday morning she stated: “I hoped the memory of that morning would never leave me.” Her parents closed their store the day of the graduation with a …show more content…

The truth is Mr.Donleavy only wants the votes of the people he could care less about the graduation which can easily identify in the passage.”Our speaker tonight, who is also our friend, came from Texarkana to deliver the commencement address, but due to the irregularity of the train schedule, he’s going to, as they say, “speak and run.” Mr.Donleavy was an evil villain in this story or more like a stormy cloud that rained on everyone’s parade. “The man’s dead words fell like bricks around the auditorium and too many settled in my belly.” “....... but to my left and right, the proud graduating class of 1940 had dropped their heads.” “Every girl in my row had found something new to do with her handkerchief.” This PROUD graduating class had their happiness taken from them in an instant not only

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