
The Rhetorical Analysis Of Mary Crow Dog And Graduation By Maya Angelou

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The rhetorical situation helps the audience understand all aspects of which the rhetor writes. When an audience understands the rhetorical situation, they are able to make a judgment on whether they believe the author to be credible or not, or their writing to be effective or not. Mary Crow Dog and Maya Angelou are both effective rhetors because their rhetorical situations work together to make their essays compelling. “Civilize Them with a Stick” by Mary Crow Dog and “Graduation” by Maya Angelou each introduce effective rhetorical situations as they establish their individual identity through their educational experiences. “Civilize Them with a Stick” by Mary Crow Dog and “Graduation” by Maya Angelou are each experts of autobiographies written about their own personal experience in school during the 1960s. Each author presents a specific argument that adds to their effectiveness as a rhetor. Crow Dog gives the argument that “racism breeds racism in reverse” (79); when we do not look at people as people, it gives us an excuse to treat them badly. The author explains that they are like animals and savages; the Indians being the animals, and the nuns and priests being the savages. Her argument is effective because it still applies in society today. The rhetor’s essay is kairotic because racism has always been a pressing issue and when Crow Dog went to St. Francis Mission School, it was during the time of the Civil Rights Movement. She was treated poorly there, and began to

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