
Sss Software in Basket Exercise Essay

Satisfactory Essays

SSS Software In-Basket

Relates to:
Item#_ _1___
Response form (can select multiple options):

__Letter/Memo | __Meet with person(when, where) | __Email | __Note to self | __ Phone call/voice mail | _×_No response |

Relates to:
Item#_ _2___
Response form:

__Letter/Memo | __Meet with person | __Email | _×_Note to self | __Phone call/voice mail | _×_No response |

Relates to:
Item#_ _3___
Response form:

_×_Letter/Memo | ___Meet with person | _×_Email | ___Note to self | __Phone call/voice mail | ___No response |

Response Details:

TO: Paula Sprague
FROM: Chris Perillo
DATE: October 18

Hi, Paula, this is Chris. Can you please recommend me any capable in-house candidates for the …show more content…

You should report to your Group#1 Manager and not go over your manager's head. It's lack of respect for him. I hope you bear in mind the basic management principle. Get in touch with your manager immediately to address the issue. And then do contact Jim Bishop to detail your difficulties. Hopefully, he will understand your situation.

Relates to:
Item#_ _14___
Response form: _×_Letter/Memo | _×_Meet with person | __Email | __Note to self | _×_Phone call/voice mail | __No response |

Response Details:

Hi, John, this is Chris. The situation is becoming serious because your sexual joke during the planning meeting. I advise you making an announcement immediately to apologize to women in the workplace for your false. Secondly, come and see me this morning and let’s talk about your group issue.

Relates to:
Item#_ _15___
Response form: _×_Letter/Memo | _×_Meet with person | _×_Email | ___Note to self | __Phone call/voice mail | ___No response |

Response Details:

TO: All Group Manager
FROM: Chris Perillo
DATE: October 18

Hi, everyone. I'd like to hold an initial meeting today to discuss about the large contract in Tanzania. Please do prepare your thoughts and interest on this project. I am looking forward to see you guys this afternoon.

Relates to:
Item#_ _16___
Response form: __Letter/Memo | _×_Meet with person | __Email | __Note to self | _×_Phone call/voice mail |

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