
Essay about Disrespecting/Disobeying Nco's

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Article 91 covers insubordinate conduct towards warrant officer, NCO, or PO. This is broken down rather heavily throughout the article covering as many bases and loopholes as possible it seems. After reading the article I have realized that not only did I disregard or fall under two of the categories in the article but I fall under two of the first three. The first one that I fell under was “treats with contempt or is disrespectful in language or deportment toward a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer while that officer is in the execution of his office.” Regardless of what I assumed the situation to be I stepped out of line when I proceeded to call Corporal Delorge a “jackass”. Not only is it being disrespectful in …show more content…

The second way that I fell into violation of article 91 was willfully disobeys the lawful order of a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer. To make matters worse for myself I disobeyed a lawful order given out by a noncommissioned officer as a repercussion to my first transgression. I could have more than likely completely avoided the paperwork and documentation of me disrespecting a NCO by merely dropping down and doing pushups when he told me to after verbally disrespecting him by calling him a jackass. So not only did I disrespecting said NCO with obscene language I also did it by disobeying the order following thereafter. But no, being the disrespectful and disobedient private that I am I instead looked away as if there order to get down was not heard. Yes this escalated matters even further. One must learn from his mistakes and take something from every situation whether negative or positive this situation being completely negative leaves more to be interpreted and applied to life than most. What I’ve learned from the buildup and negative development in this situation is that regardless of how you think a situation is going listen and obey all orders given. If you think something is a joke go along with it if it is coming from one of your superiors because it could be more serious than you

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