
Skateboarding Should Be Illegal

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Skateboarding is Illegal This may come off as shock. Skateboarding is illegal in certain states. There is nothing wrong with riding on a piece of wood with wheels. In the skateboarding community, most see it as an art, lifestyle, and a passion. But what about outside of the community. What do the people of this world normally think when they see a skateboarder? Most of the time people see it as destruction of property, punk kids, and dropouts, but have you ever seen it from a skateboarder's perspective, what is so wrong with this. How has this gotten to the point of being against the law in certain states in the U.S. Skateboarding has now been embedded as a sport and shouldn't be illegal. Well from the outsider's view, skateboarding has been typically stereotyped as dropouts, druggies, rebellions in today's society, and law breakers. Yes skateboarders are going onto private properties and skating the spots. But it is there job in most cases.They get paid from having a pro model board or skating profesional contents. To become a professional skateboarder, you cannot just skate in skate parks all the time. There is a formula to skateboarding. You first start out as a skatepark, practicing as much as you can and building yourself up and preparing yourself to skate in the “streets”. The streets meaning …show more content…

This makes a bad reputation to the other skateboarders in the community who haven't done anything. Yes it may say no skateboarding allowed on the sign. But that phase skateboarders at all. There are times where the owner of the property your skating doesn't mind the skating at all, but when they say you have to leave, you should leave. A lot of skaters don't listen to this because they are trying to the land a trick. If the owner says he is going to call the police then you should leave. When the cops are involved it makes the situation even

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