
Skateboarding History

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Since its conception and development, skateboarding has been a controversial public activity. This negative reputation dates back to the origins of skateboarding and to fully understand the issue we must understand the history of skateboarding. In the 1950’s, many different surfers had the idea to put roller skate wheels on 2x4 wooden planks and “surf” the streets when they couldn't actually surf in the ocean during periods of low tide. This was the public's first impression of what would eventually evolve to become skateboarding; long shaggy haired surfers riding through the streets on planks of wood that could barely turn and would result in frequent injuries. The sport developed through the 1960’s and reached its peak in 1963. During this …show more content…

The public's distraught view of skateboarding back in the 1950’s and 60’s was due to the reckless and carefree nature that many surfers brought from their culture as they “surfed” the streets and alleyways dodging between cars and knocking over trash cans. Skating has since then been associated with an anti-establishment subculture and is seen as a form of rebellion against safe and practical cultural norms. This association with trouble making has not been separated from skateboarding and due to its long interconnected history. A large and very famous factor was the discovery of pool skating by the Zephyr skateboarding team, also known as the Z-Boys. They were originally a group of surfers who also were some of the first to start skateboarding. During the winter when the tides would be low, they began to sneak into people's backyards with empty swimming pools and skate in the pools. There are also instances of problems with law enforcement throughout history. A quick search on Youtube will reveal hundreds of videos of skaters being confronted by angry civilians and police officers not only in public but also at skate parks, where they should technically be free to skate freely. Annually, there are approximately 160,000 instances of skaters being arrested or detained by the police, and 80% of skaters are either 18 years old or younger. This means that roughly 128,000 minors are being arrested for practicing the sport that they have chosen to practice and dedicate themselves to. The negative connotation of skateboarding extends further with the increased popularity of marijuana culture and its strong association with skateboarding culture. These negative public perceptions are what have created such harsh policies when it comes to skateboarding, yet many of them are irrational and

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