
Robert K. Greenleaf's Definition Of Servant Leadership

Decent Essays

“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead.” - Robert K. Greenleaf. This is Robert Greenleaf’s definition of servant leadership. If members of the scholarship selection committee were to walk around my high school Delphos Jefferson and Vantage Career Center my peers, teachers, and school administrators would describe be as a servant leader for many different reasons. I have been a servant-leader in my athletics, classes, and extracurriculars.

My peers would describe me as a servant-leader in my classes because I am always willing to help. If someone has a question I always do my best to answer it. If I cannot answer the question I find someone who can. One example would be that I tutor at my local middle school. I stay for an hour after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and help kids in the grades of 6th, 7th, and 8th with the subjects of English, Reading, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. At my High school when we partake in group projects I make sure to include all group members, and make sure everyones ideas and views are heard. I have helped fellow …show more content…

I often offer to help my teachers in anyway I can. One example I can take would be Band. I take Band at Delphos Jefferson High School, and I have showed servant-leadership in that class in many ways. The janitor does not clean the Band room, so a couple times a year I say after school and sweep, mop, dust, organize, and polish the instruments. Another example of my servant-leadership would be that I am section leader of the trumpet section, and after practice at band camp I would stay during free time and help anyone with their music that needed it. I often would stay hours after practice and help underclassman read and play their music. Band is just one example I offer to help my teachers in any way I

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