
Robert Greenleaf's Idea Of Servant Leadership

Decent Essays

Robert Greenleaf’s idea of servant leadership is a new concept to this era and for many people, it is a difficult theory to grasp. Although Greenleaf faces criticism and disagreement from people about his perception of servant leadership, his philosophies are unwavering because he holds true to what he believes. Throughout his writings, Greenleaf believes that in order to be a good leader, one must be a servant first. He supports his servant-first idea by using examples of extraordinary leaders of our time.
A new moral principle is emerging which holds that the only authority deserving one’s allegiance is that which is freely and knowingly granted by the led to the leader in response to, and in proportion to, the clearly evident servant stature of the leader. Those who choose …show more content…

Although Greenleaf’s talks briefly about Jesus as a model of servant leadership, I believe that Jesus could have been referenced more throughout his book. In his writings, Greenleaf omits any association between religion and his theory of servant leadership. The Catholic religion is founded upon servant leadership, and it is a fundamental principle that Catholics are striving to live out each day by mirroring Jesus’ actions. I believe there is a strong correlation between religion and servant leadership that was not mentioned in Greenleaf’s teachings. It is not possible to be a servant leader without faith in God.
Jesus is the epitome of servant leadership, and without Him, servant leadership would not exist today. In the Bible, John 13:1-17 describes arguably the greatest act of servant leadership in Jesus’ life. After He and his disciples finished eating the Last Supper, Jesus knelt down before each one of them and washed their feet. This is exactly what Greenleaf meant when he talked about putting others before yourself. Jesus served others out of love, hoping that they would follow in His

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