
Postpartum Depression Research Paper

Decent Essays

Postpartum Depression also referred to as “the baby blues” is depression that is suffered by a mother following the birth of her child that typically arises from the combination of hormonal changes and fatigue, as well as the psychological adjustment to becoming a mother. Most mothers will feel depressed or anxious after the birth of their child, however it turns into postpartum depression when is lasts longer than two weeks, and if treatment is not sought after a month, it could continue to worsen severely.

Postpartum Depression is important because too often it affects the mother, her spouse, and the newborn child. This affects the relationship between the mother and child based on Erikson’s Psychosocial developmental Theory and the idea of trust vs. mistrust. If the child’s basic needs are not met that could lead to mistrust, anxiety, and insecurities. This could also lead to Reactive Attention Disorder, where the neglect a child experiences leads to difficulty making relationships. It’s also found to be more likely in mothers of colicky babies because if the child cries a lot the mothers are less likely to make an emotional connection.

Essay Questions:

1. Explain the development of Language. Explain the three important aspects discussed in class, which …show more content…

During ages three to six, their early childhood language increases, where now they can produce more sentences, use social language, as well as tell stories and use their imagination. Middle childhood language, ages seven to twelve, increases their empathy towards other, allows them to use elaborate phrasing, and other parts of speech, such as adverbs, participles, and tense. Lastly, during adolescent language, they develop the ability to understand and use sarcasm, metaphors, and similes, along with a larger knowledge base of

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