
Attachment Theory Essay

Decent Essays

Feeling moody or blue after child birth is a common issue that many new mothers work to overcome but it is widely acknowledged that postpartum depression can be dangerous to a new mother and her baby. Mothers can experience symptoms such as losing interest in the baby or self, lack of motivation, insomnia, worrying about hurting their baby, irritability, and even have thoughts of death or suicide (Smith & Segal, 2014). These sings tend to set in after childbirth and continue to develop over several months. (Tharner, 2012). While this makes it difficult for the mother to take care of herself, it makes it increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to take care of all her baby’s needs. Later on in life, the child can develop behaviour problems, …show more content…

According to Groh, the central necessity for an infant is an emotional bonding process called attachment. The Attachment Theory suggests that “infants develop expectations regarding the availability and responsiveness of their primary caregiver,” (Groh, 2014) based on the past experiences the child has had with said caregiver. This is crucial because it becomes the core model of relationships in the child’s life (Groh, 2014). This means that as the child grows, they will base other relationships off this primary one which can lead to two different types of attachment depending on how well the mother or caregiver responds. The ability of the caregiver to respond well is dependent on a few factors including their own mental health. If the caregiver is attentive, responsive, and sensitive, towards her child, secure attachment develops. This type of attachment leads to emotional regulation, social competence, positive peer relationships, stronger abilities to problem solve, and the ability to better understand emotions. If the mother is distant, hostile, or unable to respond appropriately to her child’s needs, which usually happens to those with postpartum depression, the child develops insecure attachment. This leads to anxious

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