
Effects Of Depression On High Income Countries

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Depression, in general, affects more than 340 million people around the world and is reported to be the highest cause of disability in high-income countries (Demissie). 15% to 85% of mothers can experience postpartum “blues” with postpartum depression rates between 11.7% and 20.4% in the United States alone (Ersek). This depression can occur at anytime from post-delivery up to one year (Ersek). Giving birth comes with a wide variety of changes including physical, emotion and social. There are very high levels of sex hormones in circulation which cause increased ligament, joint and muscle laxity (Norman). Many women lose their social contacts due to upcoming life changes, must take time off work, and must stop previous hobbies (Norman). Relationship factors, hormone changes, sleep deprivation and support deeply effect a woman’s self-esteem and confidence during and after pregnancy (Norman). [Daley et al.] states that symptoms of postpartum depression include decreased mood, fatigue, anxiety, thoughts of self-harm and poor mother-infant interactions(change wording). Women with post-partum depression have been reported to be at an increased risk for substance abuse, are more likely to miss gynecological and child health appointments, are more non-compliant with medical recommendations and are less likely to use preventative safety items like car seats and outlet covers (Ersek). Researchers state that women with postpartum depression are less likely to breastfeed and more

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