
Is Google Making Us Stupid?

Decent Essays

Author Nicholas Carr poses the question “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” This has set off a debate on the effects the internet is having on our brains. Obviously the internet is here to stay, but is it making us scatterbrained? Are we losing the ability to think deeply? Criticism of the Web most often questions whether we are becoming more superficial and scattered in our thinking. In the July-August 2008 Atlantic magazine, Nicholas Carr published "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" ( Like other critics, he sees change as a loss and not as a gain. The benefits of the internet are real and they are plentiful, but Nicholas Carr says they come at a price. Nicholas Carr is an important voice today in …show more content…

[But now] I see within us all (myself included) there placement of complex inner density with a new kind of self-evolving under the pressure of information overload and the technology of the 'instantly available. '" As an advocate for technology in higher education, I have heard similar warnings for years. Indeed, some who read Carr’s article may believe that he has hit the nail on the head. There is no question that our habits are changing. The Web has captured our attention and is now the default starting point for almost all work. The Web is different in almost all aspects from a book. Printed books have contained the essential truths of humanity for half a millennium. The Web is where we look for knowledge

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