
How Did Castro Win The Cuban Revolution

Decent Essays

“Cuban culture has undergone a major transformation since the revolution…” Says Sandra H. Levinson, an author. The revolution had a positive impact on Cuba. However, Cuba had to go through a lot to win the Revolution. The Cuban Revolution began in 1952 when a former army sergeant named Fulgencio Batista seized power during a contested election. Fulgencio was the elected president of Cuba from 1940 to 1944 and dictator from 1952 to 1959. Another one of Cuba’s important men is Fidel Castro. Castro is a Cuban politician and revolutionary who governed the Republic of Cuba. Fidel and his partner Che Guevara were both in charge of the Cuban Revolution, and made the isolated Moncada Barracks his target. Castro estimated the trip would take 5 days. However, due to engine problems, him and his men arrived late in broad daylight. On the morning of July 23, 1953, Castro made his move, but he needed weapons, and he got them. 138 men attacked the Moncada at dawn, many were captured. Although Castro attacked the Moncada, it was a total failure. Some Cubans thought Fidel Castro was a monster, while others consider …show more content…

For starters, Napoleon symbolizes Fidel Castro. Fidel overthrew Batista’s government just like how Napoleon became the leader and told Snowball to leave. Another similarity in the book is Napoleon’s dogs. Napoleon’s dogs represent Castro’s army. The dog’s represent Fidel’s army because the dogs show Napoleon authority, just like how Castro’s army showed Castro. The other animals on the farm represent the citizens of Cuba. The citizens of Cuba were afraid of Fidel’s men just like how the animals were afraid of Napoleon’s dogs. The animals in Animal Farm know that if one did not follow any of Napoleon’s seven commandments, one will be punished. Just like how the citizens of Cuba were. If one did not follow the rules or disagreed, one citizen would be

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