
Cuban Revolution And Its Effects On The United States

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The Cuban revolution had great domestic and international influences and reshaped Cuba’s relationship with the world, especially with United States, which continues an embargo against Cuba as of this very day. Immediately after the revolution, Cuban government started a program of nationalization and political consolidation, which ultimately transformed Cuba’s economy and society. Before the revolution was taken place, Cuba had received very little attention during colonial years. The lack of minerals and very little agricultural production prevented Cuba from its economic advancement. In the 19th century Cuban Sugar industry began to improvement by adopting new technological developments and became a well-known country for producing sugar. Later, United States attempted to buy the island to set the basic process for the independence in Cuba. Spain also offered to grant greater political and social autonomy to the island in the convention of Zanjon, in 1878. However, many Cubans, including Antonio Maceo, refused to accept the offer and demanded to declare independence by its own. Although many Cubans refused to accept any offers, the wars for independence still broke out in 1895. The U.S. declared war on Spain on April 25,1898. The U.S. defeated Spain and Cuba was officially granted independence and lived as an independent republic on January 1st, 1898. Although the taste of freedom might be sweet to many native Cubans, there is no doubt that all Cuban government in

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