
Batista And The Cuban Revolution

Decent Essays

In March 1952, a Cuban general and politician, Fulgencio Batista, seized power on cuba, proclaimed himself president. Batista canceled the planned presidential elections, and described his new system as "disciplined democracy"; although he gained some popular support, many Cubans saw it as the establishment of a one-man dictatorship. Many opponents of the Batista regime took to armed rebellion in an attempt to oust the government, sparking the Cuban Revolution. One of these groups was the "26th of July Movement" headed by Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz. Consisting of both a civil and a military committee, the former conducted political agitation through an underground newspaper while the latter armed and trained recruits to take violent action against Batista. With Castro as the MR-26-7's head, the organization was based upon a clandestine cell system, with each cell containing ten members, none of whom knew the whereabouts or activities of the other cells. Between December 1956 and 1959, Castro led a guerrilla army against the forces of Batista from his base camp in the Sierra Maestra mountains. The Batista's repression of revolutionaries had earned him widespread unpopularity, and by 1958, his armies were in retreat. …show more content…

operation mongoose was put on hold during the height of the cuban missile crisis but resumed after the tensions had reseided. the operations officially ended on october 30 after tthe kennedy and kruschev agreement but went on regardless. on october 21 kennedy met with his top avisers to discuss the situation in cuba, he considered two options; an airstrike on the cuban missile silos or a naval blockade. According to international law a blockade is an act of war, but Kennedy did not think that the USSR would be provoked to attack by a mere blockade. Additionally, legal experts at the State Department and Justice Department concluded that a declaration of war could be avoided so long as another legal justification, based on the Rio Treaty for defense of the Western Hemisphere, was obtained via a resolution by a two-thirds vote from the members or the Organization of American States. since they were only quarentining weapons and not all materials, and the blockade would take place in international waters kennedy obtained the approval of the organization of american states for military action under the hemispheric defense provisions of the Rio

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