
Goal Setting In Health And Social Care Essay

Decent Essays

Practical problems arise in all work settings, and the healthcare industry is certainly no exception. By applying motivation theories, management and directors of Health Information Services Departments (HISDs) can solve such problems, leading to significantly happier, more motivated, loyal employees, as well as gaining better results in productivity.

It is widely known that goal setting is a vital part of achieving success and improving overall performance. Our modern understanding of goal setting came from Dr Edwin Locke’s research in the late 1960’s. In his 1968 article, “Toward a Theory of Task Motivation and Incentives”, he showed that employees are motivated and their performance improves when they are set clear, achievable goals, and receive appropriate feedback. He found specific, challenging goals lead to the highest performance, as long as the goals are not too challenging.
The following five goal setting principles, according to Locke and Dr Gary Latham’s 1990 published work, best improve the chance of success: Setting clear goals; setting challenging goals; securing team commitment, gaining feedback, and considering task complexity. …show more content…

Work stress is mainly linked to work overload, so HISD management was keen to find a long-term solution to avoid having “burnt out” employees. The objective is to redesign healthcare work so employees can work smarter, although this can be a very time-consuming task for management to implement. They do not want the end result to be distortion, fragmentation or work overload. In a nutshell, restructuring jobs and reorganising work will produce the most

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