
Evaluation Of An Effective Meeting With A Client

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Completing the initial contact with the client showed me both areas in which I need improving and areas I did well. After speaking with classmates and receiving feedback from my supervisor I was able to better understand what others thought of my interview. Seemingly, main areas of concern during the interview were to maintain professionalism, practice self-reflection, show empathy, conduct the interview in a thorough manner, and avoid any personal biases during the interaction. The concerns for conducting an effective meeting with a client can depend on many things. With reference to the previous class 341, we engaged in scenarios during class that acted out the client and worker interview. During the classroom exercises it was difficult to create a natural setting for meeting with a client. While at probation it became easier to deal with clients because what you were witnessing are real life situations, and the person sitting in front of you is seeking help and resources. Areas I believe I did well in during the initial contact, was the engagement process. Sitting down with the client and my supervisor as we introduced ourselves and explained to the client our goals of the initial contact and our intentions I felt the client felt comfortable meeting with my supervisor and myself. The client was actively engaged throughout the entire interview, this client was open to ask questions and open to expressing his experiences and concerns. My supervisor and myself were able to

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