
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

Decent Essays

Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) alters the location or the physical design in an area to prevent or minimizes crimes in the area. The idea of crime prevention through environmental design was influenced out of Oscar Newman’s 1972 concept of defensible spaces. Defensible spaces goal is to prevent crime through a physical expression of social fabric and this defends itself. Residents like the appearance and design of the area and therefore they care more about it and what happens to it and this idea is to eliminate crime. Potential offenders are supposed to notice how much these people care about their area and what occurs in it that they will intervene if anything occurred. When Newman created this concept he also identified four elements to it. These elements of defensible space are territoriality, natural surveillance, image, and milieu. However, there have been additional proponents added and these are access control, target hardening, and activity support.
Territoriality is the desire and ability of legitimate users of a certain area to lay claim to it. This element of CPTED is considered the most important. This element of defensible space means that property and/or buildings are owned by an individual(s) and nobody else can claim it. Residents, owners, and others including offenders recognize the ownership and they make decisions with this knowledge. Territoriality can be either symbolic or real. Symbolic territoriality is landscape, signs, etc.

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