
Crime Prevention Chapter Summary

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Summary: This chapter discusses the seven secondary defenses applied to crime after detection. These seven defenses can be split into two categories: discourage and oppose. The four ways which potential victims discourage their attackers: movement away from adversary, communicate ability to escape, distraction, feigns, and startles, and symbiotic protection. The three methods for quick opposition upon attack are chemical and weapon defense, sudden weaponry, and emergency social defense.
Movement Away From Adversary
Movement away from adversary (attacker) can simply be displayed by crossing the street to avoid attacker. In some cases the habitat favors one party in the crime process. We have learned that offenders commit more crimes in places …show more content…

Distraction display draws adversaries (attackers) away from oneself or whatever one is protecting. Pickpockets use distraction to commit their crimes. Police officers used loud noises to distract offenders. Startle display scares away the attacker. Feigning death is when you convince predators to lose interest by playing dead. This has helped some humans escape mass murders. Some students in Columbine shooting and the massacre at Umpqua Community College played dead so the gunman would not shoot them. The term feigning can also be used for those who have witness a crime but are fearful of retaliation if they come forward. These three deliver more protection than I weapon or physical …show more content…

Animals use chemical defenses to deal with predators. During the 1970s, Americans began to carry chemical defenses such as pepper spray. Police officers also use chemical defenses.
Sudden Weaponry Animals react in many ways when they feel threatened. Some use body language to deter predators. The porcupine fish swallows water to inflate its body, causing the spines along its body to become erect. Humans may pull out weapons in hopes of scaring off attacker. People may change their posture when feeling in danger. They might square their shoulders and snarl.
Emergency Social Defense
After an attacker spots his victim, groups find it necessary to gather their defenses quickly. For an example wild cattle, such as musk oxen, respond to threat by forming a circle with the adult males on the outside to fight off the enemy. Some groups have used technology as a way to defend potential victims. They use alarms, bells; phone calls, shouts, and screams to bring awareness of the risk, which interferes the offender. The ineffectiveness of neighborhood watch is the lack of alarm mechanisms. British crime experts developed the cocoon

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