
Classical And Operant Conditioning Essay

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Using examples of both classical and operant conditioning, discuss the contributions and limitations of learning theory for the understanding of behaviour (Schacter et al., 2nd Ed, Chapter 6, also see Chapter 1 for historical context) Learning theory can be summarized as behaviour which shows us how animals and people respond to a stimulus. This is incredibly important due to the direct impact it has on many features of daily life and how we implement this into our practices, from the way education systems are structured to the way we train dogs. The concepts of Classical Conditioning (a concept first established by Ivan Pavlov in the 1980’s) and Operant conditioning (founded by B.F Skinner around the 1920’s) can provide psychologists …show more content…

This contributes to psychologists understanding of behaviour as it is an extremely effective method of being able to measure and observe the process of learning in an organism. The action of Acquisition, which can be defined as a neutral stimulus becoming associated with an unconditional stimulus so that it can evoke the same response, can be influenced by a number of factors. The frequency of a pairing can have a huge impact on the strength of the response. The more frequent, the stronger the reaction. The object in question can also have an impact on the firmness of the association, due to some objects or fears being more attainable than others. For example, as humans we are much more likely to develop a fear of heights than we are of pencils. Both of these influences confirm that the associations being made in the brain are very sensitive and subject to change. One limitation of Classical Conditioning is that when a behaviour stops being performed, it is very easy for these connections to be lost. This is known an extinction. In the example of Pavlov’s dogs, if the conditioned stimulus, the bell, is presented often enough without the unconditioned stimulus, the meat, the

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