
Conflict And Social Behavior Perspective

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Introduction This paper will show how conflict and social behavior perspective play an important role in Dasani’s life (Hutchinson, 2015). The reader will have a better understanding of the perspective through examples in Dasani’s life. This paper will conclude with a reflection of the writer’s future profession in the social work field.
Conflict Perspective Defined Conflict perspective is seen through the lens of someone who has power and seeks to oppress people with less power, sometime through discrimination or control (Hutchinson, 2015). Individuals who are not in the social work field would automatically assume that the conflict involves a dispute between two individuals. An issue with conflict perspective is that it has the …show more content…

Within this perspective, there are three theories that describe different ways in which learning occurs; classical conditioning theory, operant conditioning theory, and cognitive social learning theory (Hutchinson, 2015). Classical conditioning is often associated with physiologist Ivan Pavlov’s experiment with the salivating dog (Hutchinson, 2015). This experiment focused on conditioning the dog to associate food with the bell while salivating, and eventually salivates when the bell is rung even without the presence of food. Operant conditioning theory is changed behavior as the result of a reinforcement (Hutchinson, 2015). In our society, we associate positive reinforcements with compliments, smiles, high-fives in order to encourage a behavior more. Negative reinforcement involves jail, detention, and grounding, and this is to stop a behavior from continuing. A cognitive social learning theory states that behavior can be learned through observations, beliefs, expectations, and imitation of others (Hutchinson, 2015). A major difference between cognitive social learning theory and the others, is a lack of manipulation to encourage the individual to follow through with a behavior. Rather, cognitive social learning theories suggest that a change in thinking can ultimately result in a change in behavior (Hutchinson, 2015).
Dasani’s conflict Perspective A reoccurring conflict throughout this case assessment is the mayor’s ignorance to the policies that he is

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