
Comparison Of Ivan Pavlov And John Watson

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In 1903 a Russian physiologist by the name of Ivan Pavlov first developed an experiential model of learning called Classical Conditioning (Lautenheiser 1999). An example if Classical Conditioning would be ringing a bell when it is time for your pet to eat. The pet hears the bell and over time is conditioned that when the bell rings its dinner time thus begins to salivate, and eventually learns to be conditioned to responding to the bell in a specific manner. The bases was that neutral stimulus would be put together with an excitatory one and over time the neutral stimulus would, at some point down the line elicit the response that was associated with the original unlearned response. Pavlov later added an element known as the nonexcitatory, conditioned stimulus which is but together with an unconditioned stimulus (Lautenheiser 1999). Classic Conditioning can also be known as stimulus response, conditioned response, respondent condition as these are the behaviors that take place during the Classical Conditioning. There are two basic forms of associative conditioning, classical and operant. Both Ivan Pavlov and John Watson were the first contributors to these behaviorist theories. Ivan Pavlov’s theory came about by working a dog and John Watson worked his classical conditioning with humans. John B. Watson thought that psychology should be known as the science of observable behavior because according to his writings “purely objective experimental branch of natural

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