All about Periods
A period is a dot-shaped punctuation mark. It is one of the most frequently used ones in the English language. The symbol was introduced by Greek librarian Aristophanes during the 3rd century BCE. After its introduction, the period was mostly placed at the top edge of the end of a sentence. However, by the 9th […]
What Are Brackets?  From periods to colons and hyphens, punctuation marks play an important role in writing. Brackets are commonly used punctuation marks that appear in pairs. The first bracket in a pair is called an opening bracket, and the second one is called a closing bracket. There are different types of brackets used in […]
What Are Scare Quotes? Scare quotes are punctuation used to represent ironic, skeptic, or other nonstandard usage of terms. Although different writing style guides define scare quotes differently, the basic function of such quotes is to suggest that the words and phrases within the quotes mean something different than what they’re supposed to mean. Below […]
8:07 PM, You: Hey, what’s up? How’d the game go? Did you make any three-pointers, assists, or game-winning shots? 8:10 PM, Cameron: hey buddy the game went great we won i scored a ton of points and made a game winning three pointer at the end im happy with my performance !!! 8:11 PM, You: […]
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