AJNRR Consulting Virgin Blue Holdings A Strategic Analysis Prepared by: Andy Ley Joachim Brastein Nathan Westgarth Rishi Dave Ron Stanley * * Contents 1. Executive Summary 2 2. Virgin Blue Now 3 2.1 Introduction 3 2.2 Virgin Blue Overview 3 2.3 Virgin Blue’s Current Strategy 3 3. Outside Virgin Blue 4 3.1 Macroenvironment 4 3.2 Industry Analysis 4 4. Inside Virgin Blue 6 4.1 Resources 6 4.1 Capabilities, Distinct Competencies
Leadership of Richard Branson Dr. Paul FrankenhauserMGT 500 Modern Management 9/7/2014 Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group has been a household name in the United Kingdom for over twenty years. He is well respected in the business world. He is the founder of the Virgin Group, which is known for many different things such as cell phones, record labels, airlines and many more. “Branson is also known for his unique character and leadership styles, one who is not afraid to take risks,
Exam cases: Kodak Virgin Australia Post Pre-seen exam information Semester 2 2012 Global Strategy and Leadership © CPA Australia Ltd 2012 Case Scenario 1 Kodak case facts Eastman Kodak Company (Kodak) was founded in the late 19th century by amateur photographer George Eastman in Rochester, New York. With the slogan ‘you press the button, we do the rest,’ Kodak gave consumers the first simple camera in 1888, making a cumbersome and complicated process easy to use and readily
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This plan seeks to investigate the viability of establishing Virgin Mobile in Nigeria, then launch upon conviction that the environment is conducive and how we will get our mapped-out target to use our services. For purpose of analysing the business environment, PESTEL and SWOT analysis was used and the focus was basically on the telecommunication industry. PESTEL demonstrated that the environment is conducive for our company and products though there are a couple social unrests
How do businesses grow? The objectives, which a company wants to achieve, can be varied. They can range from sales revenue maximization, increasing market share to growth. Growth is one of the most common and sought after corporate objectives because of its relative advantages. This is so because many perks come with the expansion of a business, which appease almost everyone. When a company grows it achieves economies of scale, it increases its market shares and thus wipes out competition
Background Information and Challenges of the Virgin Group From 1968 to 2007, Richard Branson leads the Virgin group to become a conglomerate of more than 200 companies with business in music, airlines, rail transport, soft drinks, radio broadcasting and etc. (Grant 2005a:309) The Virgin Group followed many other companies during the 1950 to1980 period in adopting diversification as a mean for corporate growth. The boom of unrelated diversification of the early 1960s and 1970s was halted abruptly
1) What are Virgin Group's distinctive resources/capabilities?The Virgin BrandFirstly, the Virgin brand is valuable in the form of brand equity, where 'Virgin' is one of the most recognised brand names in the UK, and is also well-known in other important markets including Europe and the U.S.A. Based on 1990s research, the Virgin brand was recognised by 96% of UK consumers (Case, p.685). Secondly, it is rare for a brand to have such positive consumer perceptions; which include value-for-money, fun
Overview of Virgin Atlantic Airways 1.1 Background of the Airline Industry In current times, air travel plays an important role as it is a means of transportation for people and products. Since the beginning of flight in 1903, air travel has revolutionised the world. The airline industry is not only a means of transportation, but also a very successful business. (Harris, 2012) 1.2 Overview of Virgin Atlantic Virgin Atlantic Airways was founded in 1984 by Richard Branson's Virgin Group with its first
Richard Branson is the founder of the conglomerate Virgin Group. He allowed Virgin to explode after the beginnings. He started new ventures every second and incorporated almost every industry conceivable into his company. His net worth is 5.2 Billion. Today, the Virgin brand is ranked second among brands that have the greatest impact on consumer’s lives. Virgin Group includes more than 400 companies worldwide and reaps over 24 Billion in annual revenue. It is involved in almost every industry
business expanded to the Virgin Records. During the 1980s and 1990s, the Virgin Records grew extensively and Branson established the Virgin Atlantic Airways. At the same time, he started the Virgin Record Label in the US (Kets De Vries 1998). He also established the Virgin Galactic. Today, the Virgin brand boasts of more than