The video “The MEDICATED CHILD” was a great video. In the video it discuss how children were diagnosed with ADHD and were put on certain medication in the 1990’s. Later psychiatrist started diagnosing children mania depression. Also the video stated how many doctors would put a child on mania depression medication without diagnosing the child. Many of the medication given to the children were medicine used for adults who served from mania depression. Some of the medicine the children were taken causes
coming from the other part of the world, the predilection for medicament over usage in the U.S. was always surprising. Therefore, I was expecting to see in this video issues about psycho-neurological side effects of overmedicated in somatically ill child. There were several memorable moments which impacted my mind. One of them was Jacob's story. It was sad to see how the persistent labeling with hyperactivity by preschool teachers took a 3 year old boy down to the pathway of a million American
amongnst the youth of the United States of Anerica. In the filmed docuetnary “The Medicated Child,'' Frontline addresses the use of medications on kids who supposedly have ADHD and Bi Polar like sysmtoms. In this iformational film, Frontline questions doctors and psychiatrists reasoning on why they prescribe children who they claim have these illness different variety of drug cocktails, and do they really know if that child have the illness at hand they are treating. In the piece Frontline producer,
The medicated child was an interesting watch. However, I am against children being prescribed medication to control their behavior. Now in some cases that may be the only option but most parents do not seek second opinions or other alternatives to help their child. Also not to mention how this kind of treatment in being abused, because it is not always about the child getting to a better state, but about the check the child’s parent will receive from the government. For example, I have a cousin who
“The Medicated Child” sheds light on the dangers and risks associated with children who are put on behavioral-modifying medications. These are issues that parents may not take into consideration when attempting to establish a healthy state of mind for their child. It is estimated that five million children in America have been diagnosed with some form of mental illness. Behavioral disorders are on the rise as each year another 20% of children will be diagnosed. (MedWeb, 2015) Whereas parents tend
shouldn’t be on powerful medications. While watching The Medicated Child many questions were brought to my attention. I think it’s hard to completely say if a child is bipolar or not. Especially, because the diagnostic and statistical manual(DSM) only shows symptoms for adults suffering from bipolar not children. Also, it can take months and even years to actually diagnose a person with full blown bipolar disorder. I think even if a child is showing clear text book symptoms of bipolar they shouldn’t
To briefly summarize The Medicated Child, the stories of four children, his or her parents, and the physician explain the troubles medication has had on their children. To start, the first boy, Jacob Soloman was one of millions of young children diagnosed with bipolar. Initially, Jacob was treated for an attention deficit disorder and was first started on medication. But one medication only created another issue forcing Jacob’s parents to give another medication. Although the medication ultimately
parents to start a family. When thinking about birth and labor there are many things to think about before the child is here and the mother is in the hospital getting ready to have the child. There are many different types of labor to bring your new joy into this world. My position on this is medicated birth is better for the mother not to struggle with the pain during birth. Medicated births are better for the reasons of medication lessening the pain for the mother, medication also gives the mother
children with ADHD be medicated? Although many parents, doctors, and teachers would say yes I believe there are far too many risks for children with ADHD to be medicated. [You left out a comma in the previous sentence.] Diagnosing ADHD is purely a matter of a doctor's opinion. Parents often use medication as the first option for their children instead of trying alternative methods of medication. Medication needs to be the last option. Children with ADHD are being medicated unnecessarily. The problem
Teens who have found it hard to deal with authority, emotions, and or puberty have found it easier to kill rather than to seek help. Some have thoughts of caring out these deviant acts at an early age. When medication is mixed with the feelings that puberty bring there is a mixture for disaster. Sometimes psychological mishaps lead to problematic circumstances making it harder for teens to deal with these complications. Teens also who are ridiculed daily by classmates, peers, and even adults found