Birth is a time for parents to start a family. When thinking about birth and labor there are many things to think about before the child is here and the mother is in the hospital getting ready to have the child. There are many different types of labor to bring your new joy into this world. My position on this is medicated birth is better for the mother not to struggle with the pain during birth. Medicated births are better for the reasons of medication lessening the pain for the mother, medication also gives the mother less time in pain calling for a faster labor. As well as, medications give the mother 's time to be comfortable before they begin the pushing process.
Parents meaning both the mother and the fathers need to care about the labor of the child because this is a topic that they have to decide on before the child is born. There are more than just two ways to bring the child into the world. The parents have to, and should, ask the doctor about the options they have to consider before the mother is in labor. Their minds may change while in labor, but that is fine. Having a general idea before the birth and changing it on the fly may help the mother getting through the intense pain. In Ohio, there were 139,034 births in 2010. In Licking County during 2010 there were 1,991 births. Six out of ten women in the county use the method of medication during childbirth.
One reason medicated births are better is because medicated births lessen the pain for the experience for
Pregnancy and childbirth are a part of nature. Delivering a child can be a beautiful experience. However, delivery can also be very painful and can last for days.
Giving birth should be a beautiful experience even though delivery can be terrifying and discomfort. Even though women have the decision to choose between having a natural childbirth or get an epidural majority of women give birth at a hospital get an epidural. Make sure when you base your decision on what’s best for your infant and not base off anyone influencing you. What constitutes a “Natural childbirth”? A natural childbirth is when a woman gives birth without any medication. You can choose between having a mid-wife and having an at home birth or you can give birth at the hospital without any medication either way is consider giving natural childbirth. According to Kristeen, an epidural is drugs called local anesthetics, such as bupivacaine, chloroprocaine, or liocaine it numbs the abdomen or pelvic region during labor. An epidural is given when the women is about 4 or 5 centimeters dilated (Cherney, par.2-6). In order to get an epidural you have to get a shot in your spine (lower back). In 1909, the first caudal anaesthesia was given for labor pains by a German obstetrical, Walter Stoeckel, and he study 141 cases of healthy laboring women with epidurals. In 1931, the first catheter was used in an epidural. By the 1940s, epidural were being used sporadically for labor but did not gain true momentum until the 1970s. This was in large part due to the fact that other
According to “Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America,” women and couples planning the birth of a child have decisions to make in variety of areas: place of birth, birth attendant(s), medication, preparedness classes, circumcision, breast feeding, etc. The “childbirth market” has responded to consumer concerns, so its’ important for prospective consumers to fully understand their options. With that being said, a woman has the choice to birth her child either at a hospital or at home. There are several differences when it comes to hospital births and non-hospital births.
The article “Cool at 13, Adrift at 23” by Jan Hoffman is about how some middle school students perform illegal acts and are popular and how once they get older they leave a bad footprint on their lives from trying to stay popular in an unsatisfactory way. In a study made by Dr. Joseph P. Allen, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia, shows that a boy who was popular at age 14 by doing things that were “cool” has shown that by age 22 he is a high school dropout capable of minor thefts and vandalism with drugs and drinking problems. This shows that as people get older they tend to keep on thinking that if they get themselves into trouble, they will still be popular, and as they grow older they start to become socially incompetent.
Delivering a baby in the home and in the hospital both provide comfort to some, but homebirth offers decreased cost and hospital births offer more options. Some women have different birthing methods in mind when it comes to delivering a child. Some women feel that it is more convenient to stay home to deliver their child. Mothers-to-be will choose to have a hospital birth because they may feel safer or more secure knowing that if something is not right or if she has had complications, the doctor is there and she is in a hospital and everything will be okay.
In the past, in the United States the majority of women delivered at home with no anesthetics; women might have received assistance through a family doctor, including midwife care (Thomas, 2011). A radical change happened by the 1960s, when hospital childbirths had become the norm, the pain of the experience was reduced by epidural anesthesia controlled by a physician. Pregnant women received education on breastfeeding and other topics during their medical visits (Thomas, 2011).
Only women are permitted during the labor and delivery of an infant. While in labor, women commonly express pain through facial expressions, verbalizations, and body movements. Women of these groups are often mistakenly considered to need more pain medication due to their level of expression throughout
Central Idea: Pain management is an important aspect of childbirth that women need to educate themselves on so they can make an informed decision when choosing which method they will use.
Giving birth to a baby is the most amazing and miraculous experiences for parents and their loved ones. Every woman’s birth story is different and full of joy. Furthermore, the process from the moment a woman knows that she’s pregnant to being in the delivering room is very critical to both her and the newborn baby. Prenatal care is extremely important and it can impact greatly the quality of life of the baby. In this paper, the topic of giving birth will be discussed thoroughly by describing the stories of two mothers who gave birth in different decades and see how their prenatal cares are different from each other with correlation of the advancement of modern medicine between four decades.
Childbirth can be described as one of the most rewarding and also painful experiences in a woman’s life. Most women choose some type of method to ease pain, however, there has been a lot of controversy over with pain management method is the most effective. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), In 2013, there were 3,932,181 births recorded in the United States, 32.7% of those births were surgical procedures. In 2012, 1.36% of recorded births occurred out-of-hospital, meaning these births took place mostly in homes or birthing centers. Without the option of medicine that a hospital provides, how were these women able to manage their pain during labor and delivery. There are many different methods for easing pain during childbirth, some methods involve the use of medicine and surgery, and others include natural techniques, such as hypnosis, Lamaze, and many others. It is a personal preference of the parents over which method is right for the needs of the mother and child. This can be an overwhelming decision for new parents to make because they have to take into consideration the safety of the mother and child, pain management for the mother and desire for medical involvement.
mom is more affectionate and I depend on her for warmth and love when I am going through tough times. My father is more logical and I depend on him when I need practical advice.
Childbirth is a beautiful thing. After the hours of labor, there is nothing more special than having the newly mother able to hold her child the minute after it’s born. It makes the pain that you had just experienced go away because all that matters in the world is that newborn child in your arms. During labor, every woman has her own experience but one common experience is the pain. According to Kitzinger (1978) “Labor pain can have negative or positive meaning, depending on whether the child is wanted, the interaction of the laboring woman with those attending her, her sense of ease or dis-ease in the environment provided for birth, her relationship with the father of her child and her attitude to her body throughout the reproductive
Over the years birthing methods have changed a great deal. When technology wasn’t so advanced there was only one method of giving birth, vaginally non-medicated. However, in today’s society there are now more than one method of giving birth. In fact, there are three methods: Non-medicated vaginal delivery, medicated vaginal delivery and cesarean delivery, also known as c-section. In the cesarean delivery there is not much to prepare for before the operation, except maybe the procedure of the operation. A few things that will be discussed are: the process of cesarean delivery, reasons for this birthing method and a few reasons for why this birthing method is used. Also a question that many women have is whether or not they can vaginally
The only con there really is to natural childbirth would be that it is painful. However, if a pregnant woman does not deal well with pain or if she has a complicated delivery, an epidural might be an answer for her.
There are over Six Billion people inhabiting the planet earth today and that number is growing. “In the six seconds it takes you to read this sentence, eighteen more people will be added” (Ehrlich 9). The total population of the World, projected on October 23, 2001 at 6:28:09 pm GMT was 6,181,600,089 people (U.S. Bureau of the Census). Each hour there are 11,000 more mouths to feed; each year more than 95 million. Nevertheless, the world has hundreds of billions fewer tons of topsoil and hundreds of trillions fewer gallons of groundwater with which to grow food crops than it had in 1968.