also other diseases and medical conditions that will also influence your quality of life. Diabetes is one of the important topics discussed in Healthy People 2020. Diabetes is a health condition that may cause one to be at great risk for heart disease and stroke. It is a metabolic disease in which the pancreas produces little to no insulin or insulin is not used properly. Severe cases of diabetes can lead to blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, stroke, adult-onset blindness, and amputation. Diabetes
can be harmful to the baby while in the womb. Examples include marijuana, amphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, and opiates. Opiate abuse among pregnant women is seen more now than ever before. The use of substance abuse among pregnant women poses a great health problem for both mother and fetus. According to Lander, Gurka, Marshalek, Riffon, and Sullivan, (2015) “between 3% and 15% of pregnant women report substance abuse;
and Gynecologists, the highest rate of multiple pregnancy was in the years between 1980 and 2008, due to use of fertility treatments and childbearing among women older than 35 years (Multiple Pregnancy, 2015). The causes of multiple pregnancies are race, gene, age (pregnancy after age of thirty), use of fertility- stimulating drugs and in vitro fertilization (Multiple Pregnancy and Birth: Twins, Triplets, and High-order Multiples ). Caring more than one baby is considered high risk pregnancy, because
The baby rhesus monkey named ANDi is “inserted DNA” spelled backward. The baby rhesus monkey has, “genes from a jellyfish, which were inserted as a "marker" so researchers could see if the experiment worked” (Newsmakers/Oregon Regional Primate Research Center.) Genetic Engineering has many medical benefits including, increasing lifespan, curing diseases, and designing babies. In the near future, humans should be able to control their lifespan and possibly become immortal. One way to extend
Introduction Degenerative disorder is a condition that leads to progressive loss of function. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of degenerative disease and its prevalence is significantly increasing. According to Block and Scanzello (2016) says in next 2030, there will be 67 million people affected with osteoarthritis, as the global population age in united states. This topic has been chosen for discussion because population ages are increasing and osteoarthritis negatively impact onto their
Etiology Psoriasis is a common (2% to 3% of the population), benign and life-long chronic inflammatory skin condition involving the skin, scalp, nails and sometimes joints (Mahajan & Handa, 2013). It is genetically transmitted with a 30% increased risk of first-degree relatives developing psoriasis and a 72% concordance between monozygotic twins (Habif, 2010; Mahajan & Handa, 2013). A genetic and hereditary (autosomal dominant with 60% penetration) basis for psoriasis is supported by the presence
In recent history, there has not been a day where one can turn on the television without seeing an incident where communities are affected by a serious tragedy. In some communities, murders are a daily occurrence. Robberies and physical and sexual assaults occur everywhere and there are often several witnesses to the event. “Research has shown that exposure to traumatic experiences such as crime and violence, found in predominantly African American communities exceed those in areas dominated by most
the time span until physical exhaustion was reached. The results confirmed that low doses of caffeine caused a drastic increase in endurance levels, while not altering the epinephrine (or adrenaline) levels. Also, large doses of caffeine caused great increases in plasma epinephrine levels while only slightly altering the endurance levels. This test, therefore, supposes that small doses of caffeine, when compared to
Distance – Longer the distance, more energy is need to used hence more calories will be burned. 2.2.1 Walking vs. Running Walking is not simply slow running; competitive race walkers can zip by recreational joggers. The difference between the two is not based on pace. At any speed, walkers have one foot on the ground at all times, but runners are entirely airborne during some part of every stride. As the pace increases
unhealthy eating, and not enough physical exercise has led to a substantial increase in diabetes, making it the number seventh leading cause of death (American Diabetes Association, 2014, p. Diabetes Basics). Diabetes also called diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease in which the body’s inability to produce any or enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood (Google, What is Diabetes). There is three type of diabetes, Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes. Type 1 is mostly seen in juvenile